Tha vizjun uv YHOPFAP.

Tu teech tha peepol untranzlayted, untaught, truth frum tha hebrew ryting uv tha hebrew tranzlayshun az it iz ritten tayken frum tha masoretic text.

Wee teech, naat tu falo tha tradish,shunz uv man. Vayekra 18:1-Yhoah spo'k tu mosheh  saying, speek tu tha peepol uv yesrael and say tu them, I yhoah am yor ehyeh, , yu shall na't ca'pee tha practasis uv tha land uv metsraymah ware yu dwelt,,,,,,,,,,, nor shall yu falo their lawz. My rulz alone shall yu abzerv & faythfulee falo my lauz, i am yhoah ehyeh.

Wee teech it waz yshooah  his sun hoo died on a tree for r salvayshun , fayth, hilling, tha gifts uv tha holee spirit,  baptizum.

Wee aufer: shelter, food, haat millz, clothing for tha needee. Wee pray for and lay handz on tha sic. Wee provide training for pozishuhz availabol within YHOPFAP.
Wee aufer calnsoling yuzing wat tha scripchurz say abalt yor sircumstansez and hal tu effectivlee mayk thingz chaynj yuzing, "implementing" wat hee sed n his torah.
Meshley 3:1,2- my sun , du na't forget my torah, but let yor mind retayn my camandmentz, for they will besto on yu lenth uv dayz, yeerz uv life & wel b'ing.

YHOPFAP Ministreez cunsist uv:
.NAHIM Counsel uv Lau Aufis
.NAHIM School uv lau
.KUUT 24 alwer "Live" online/satalite wership & praze radio stayshun
. TTC " Tha Truth Chan'nol" online TV
.P.I.N. Ministreez
.Land Develupment
.NAHIM Secur'd Depaz'a tory Davizjun

YHOPFAP iz an "Independant" ministry, having "NO" cantracz, tiez, NO affil'lee'ayshun with tha u.s. government.

Wee ar solee dependant apun father yhoah ehyeh hoo provides for tha wel b'ing uv his children.

YHOPFAP Vizjun image