Sol Food image
Wee heer at YHOPFAP ar eeger tu share with yu z sampolz frum r raydee'o stayshun program titol'd, " Sol Food". This iz a few minutes  uv giving yu food for yor sol, men ha kadosh ketveym, frum tha holee scripchurz, wich iz tayken frum tha teechingz "frum tha hebrew tranzlayshun seereez".

 frum tha hebrew tranzlayshun seer'eez #1

2 Dayz Sol Food, god iz

god iz na't, tha creator uv heven & erth
god iz na't  a spirit
god iz na't an object
god iz  na't  tha father uv r savior yshooah
god iz  na't  r hiller
god iz  na't  r deliverer
god iz  na't  r joy
god iz na't r peese
god iz  na't  r protector
god iz  na't r strength
god canna't  giv us wizdum
god canna't giv us luv
god canna't  bles yu

god waz tha sun uv yaakov "jacob"
a flesh & blood, mortal man.

Tha correct spelling uv god iz "gad".
Tha cherch spel'd it god.

yu CANNA'T get a "a" sound frum  an o.

but tha cherch sed, say it with tha "a" sound, but spell it god,

and wee tha peepol obey'd and did it, althouh it iz RONG.

r helper, hoo leedz us tu all truth, tha holee spirit, reveel'd tu mee, hoo god waz NA'T and hoo god rillee waz.

r hevenlee father tru naym iz
yhoah ehyeh יהוָֹה אֶהיֶה
pronounse'd: y ho ah
                      eh yeh

and NO won can refute wat hee ro't n hebrew wich tha cherch left  purpuslee UNTRANSLATED ?

heerz tha proof they du NA'T want us tu no his tru naym.

Yermyahoo, 23:27, tha plan tu mayk my peepol forget my naym, by meenz uv tha dreemz wich they tell eech uther, just az their fatherz forget my naym becuz uv baal.

father yhoah ehyeh tellz us n ysha'yahoo, 52:6, ashuredlee my peepol shall lern my naym.

batum line heer iz,
Wether u beleev, reseev, acnalej it or na't.

If naat nal, that day will come wen u will call him yhoah ehyeh.

Feel free tu share will all,🙂

frum tha hebrew tranzlayshun seer'eez #2

 2dayz sol  food,

hoo sent them?

Many pastors say, he told me to go .....,
And supposingly, there talkn bout a made up name, and they, KNOW IT,  Jesus.
They may have said, god or Jesus, but as I spoke on b4, there is NO scripture thru out the Torah of the Hebrew translation, written n hebrew we're he said, MY name is god, jesus, I am, yahweh etc...

Scripture tells us, when a prophet of ehyeh arises among you, I make myself known to him in a vision, I appear to him in a dream.

He will tell u who he is. And he WILL NOT say names that NEVER WAS his. He will speak what's in the Hebrew writings which was left UNTRANSLATED, and that is, yhoah ehyeh. יהוָֹה אֶהיֶה

Yermyahoo, jer, 29:8, for thus said yhoah of hosts,ehyeh of yesrael, let not the prophets and diviners in your midst deceive you, and pay no need to the dreams they dream. Vs. 9, for they prophesy to you in my name falsely,  I DID NOT SEND THEM, declares yhoah.

People, Understand, if he did not reveal himself as,yhoah ehyeh, or yshooah, that voice, light appearance, or your feeling of YOU JUST KNOW IT WAS GOD, OR JESUS,  it was NOT, yhoah ehyeh, or his son our savior yshooah.

So I now ask you, pastors, those who say, he said to go .....then, WHO WAS IT?

Father yhoah ehyeh, cannot lie,
Man, the  church REFUSES 2 acknowledge what is 1. Foreign  to them,  2. No one, no church, pastor,even the yhoodeym, Jews will not teach his TRUE name. So they have said, I believe wats n my bible.

Accept it or not, your Bible's DU NAAT contain our creators only 2 real names as it is written n Hebrew.
You du naat, and MOST of you won't accept or believe this teaching.
But this untaught, UNTRANSLATED truth REMAINS, the same, if they were not told by father yhoah ehyeh,  tu go, they, being yor great pastors, ACCORDING 2scripture was NAAT SENT, by him.

I pray your spirit has been edified.

frum tha hebrew tranzlayshun seer'eez #3

2dayz sol food, The books n your Torah.

Let's start with that word bible.
Understand that is a Greek word,,blybos, meaning,, Greek gad of literature.
That is also a country or iland. U will find blybos in the center of the 1st map n the nkj study Bible. That's that big pretty blue book. you will find this in the back of that nkj study bible
That leads me to the word bible IS NOT, the name of the kadosh ketveym,. Holy scriptures. The correct name is, Torah.
Torah is not JUST the first 5 books  .
Why? Men bre'sheyt la hetgaloot,  from Genesis to revelation. As a matter of TRUTH, the last writer of the Torah was a evrey, Hebrew, his name was yochanan, the church calls him John. And, THAT IS NOT, his name.  Yshooah told yochanan to write down what he saw and send it to Asia.  Since yochanan was a evrey, that means he wrote what he saw in evrey, Hebrew. He was given Instruction  by our savior and king.
This elusadates that 1. Torah was given all the way to the last book . 2. The naat suppose to be written in Hebrew TRANSLATION in hebrew, WAS writteni n Hebrew, and DOES EXIST.   I have one strait from yesrael.

So as I said b4, yor pastor, the werld church leaders LIED.

now, ha sefer b shlak Torah, "the books n your Torah" REAL NAMES r, and I'll give u just a few, starting with the first 36 sefer, n order.

Bre sheyt, Genesis is NOT the real name
Shmot, Exodus is NOT the real name
Vyekra, Leviticus is NOT the real name
Bmedbar, numbers is NOT the real name
Dvareym, deutaronony is NOT the real name.
Keyfa, peter is NAAT the real name.
Maasey, acts " " " "
Koreynayem, corinthians is NAAT the real name.
Teymotey, timothy is NATT " " "

Let's go to the remaining sefereym "Books" n the SO CALLED NEW TESTIMENT.
Evreym, Hebrews is NAAT the real name
Yochanan, John is NAAT the real name

Understand: Each sefer of the entire Torah was written n one WHOLE  part. NO books were 1st and 2nd.  Let's take theleym. That sefer contains 150 chapters STRAIGHT, n it's ORIGINAL writings so we're ALL the other books.

but man had to separate 8 sefer n to ,2 parts. Ex, Cor, Tim, Peter . This was NAAT so till man put HIS way of how HE B'LEEVZ  the sefer should be. this would lead the readers to Believe the way THEY believe instead of believing what father yhoah ehyeh EXACTLY SAID.

Batum TRUTH here iz.
We've been lied 2 and it's even printed n the Torah

Don't believe everything you hear.
U better check it out for your self.

I pray u have been edified n your spirits by 2days soul food.

frum tha hebrew tranzlayshun seer'eez #4

Shalom  to all. 2,days sol food, lz , "Tranzlayshunz."

Ketvey, that's scripchur, it tellz uz n meshley, that's  prov, n your Torah. It I's not good to b without knowledge.
There's much 2 learn, which is ,NEEDED ,2  know. I'll start with; change the way u think, it will change the way u speak.
There r about 4000 different translations of father yhoah ehyehs torah,. He wrote the 10 commandments with his finger on 2 tablets of stone, gave them ,2 mosheh. Which was written n Hebrew 3 yesrael who were Hebrews. The remaining 48 books were written all by Hebrews. To prove the so called new translation WAS written n Hebrew, yohanan, u call him John, that's NOT HIS NAME, was a Hebrew, yshooah told him 2 write what he saw and send it 2the 7 churches.  That means wat he saw, he wrote it n Hebrew. This can be read n the book of hetgaloot, u call it rev, and that's NOT THE REAL NAME of that book.  U  c, yohanan obeyed ,TORAH, which means instruction, the kadosh ketveym, that's holy scriptures was ALL WRITTEN ,
Men bre sheyt la hetgaloot, b evrey, translation: from gen 2 rev in Hebrew, by ONLY HEBREWS. The so called new testament WAS WRITTEN N HEBREW, I have MY OWN COPY sent 2me from yesrael. So the w.c.l. world church leaders , R LYING, 2us.  That leads me 2 continue , ALL  translations DO NOT  contain father yhoah ehyeys ONLY real names n them. ESPECIALLY  the Greek. his name could NOT  b written in the Greek translation because his name begins with ,y, and there is NO y   n the Greek alphabet. So u r being taught from a UNAUTHORIZED version of the scriptures.  Father yhoah ehyeh said himself n the Torah,  assuredly, my people shall learn my name. He Intends  4 us 2 learn his name, here's the problem, how can we learn his name if 1. The w.c.l. won't teach it. 2. It was never translated, 3.the w.c.l. REFUSES 2 acknowledge his TRUE name, and 4. The w.c.l. REFUSES 2 read, teach, and study from the ONLY authorized holy scriptures. even the Jewish churches refuses just as well.

If u intend 2 learn the truth, the ONLY, and the CORRECT translation we should be reading from is the HEBREW ENLISH version. U can get it @ Barnes & Noble.

I pray 2days Sol Food has edified your spirits.

frum tha hebrew tranzlayshun seer'eez #5

This is the day that yhoah ehyey, made, we shall rejoice and b glad n him.

2days Sol Food, Naymz.

N ysha yahoo, that's Isaiah n your Torah, n Hebrew translation, assuredly my people shall learn my name. The names we've been taught and is written n your translations,  such as, Elohim, ,El, elshadai, Adoni, lord, messiah, Christ, Jehovah, Yahweh, yahova, Jesus, yeshua, el L , IS NOT, NEVER HAS BEEN THIER NAMES.

1.ELOHIM,was used 2 describe idols images, n which u call GADS, as well as using it 2 call our heavenly Father that name. Rachel called her father Levan, lord
2. El is the father of, Baal, and and we all know Baal is, of Satan.
3.shaddai was the name of 2 men n the Torah  Ammi shaddai, and Zuri shaddai .read bmedbar, that's numbers n your Torah.
4. Adoni, was used 2 address, angels,  kings, masters, as well as our heavenly Father. Yhooda, called his brother yosef, adoney rachel call'd her father lavan adoney. Daneye'l call'd tha aynjol adoney. & wee call tha cree'aytor uv heven & erth, yhoah ehyeh adoney
5. The word lord came from the Caanite word Adon .
6.yhoodeym, jew's made up the name messiah.
7.christ derived from the name  krishna by Constantine in the 1600s.  Plus there is  NO  c , J, w , I, in hebrew, so christ never was our saviors name, and because of no c in hebrew.
8.because there's no j in hebrew,  jehovah is NOT his name, Jesus is not his name.
9. Yahova, is not his name.
10. Yeshua, is Jeshua n your torah, that same yeshua, which the yhoodeym,  call our savior was a, levey, levite. This is in the book of nchemya, which u call Nehemiah n your torah.

father yhoah ehyeh, tells us n ysha yahoo,
  , I will share my glory with no one.

so there u have it according 2 the hebrew  writing n the Hebrew translation, his ONLY 2 names he said Is his, 208 times himself is yhoah ehyeh. יהוָֹה אֶהיֶה

Oh yeah!  the church WILL not teach this UNTAUGHT, UNTRANSLATED, TRUTH.

I pray 2days soul food has edified your spirit.

frum tha hebrew tranzlayshun seer'eez #6

Tudayz "Sol Food"- Playing Cherch

Tov boker amey,  That's good morning people n hebrew  please allow me 2 share with u some Sol Food, for the edification of your spirit. As I was preparing 2 go about this day,  ha Kadosh Rooach, that's the Holy Spirit spoke to my spirit and said, PLAY N cherch.  I knew that is the topic for 2days Sol Food.

If u keep 9 of the ten commandments and u go 2 church, u r PLAY N CHURCH.
If u go 2 church, but u r mad @ can't stand, or hate someone, u r PLAY N CHURCH.
If u go 2 church, and REFUSE 2 4give someone, u r PLAY N CHURCH.
If u go 2 church, sing, u shout, pray, read the Torah, but when u get out, u  smoke, drink, cuss,  u r PLAY N CHURCH
If you go 2 church on Sunday, and do yo thing on the shabat, U R PLAYN CHURCH.
If u go 2 church,  u tell anybody u will do Wat u said, but DONT do it, U R A LIAR,
if u go 2 church, but u TOOK that pen,  punched n LATE, left EARLY, u r play n church.
If u go 2 church, and u talk 2 people every way but Right, being RUDE, LOUD, PUT N THEM DOWN.  U r PLAYN CHURCH
if u go 2 church but u talk 2 your wife or husband unholy like, yall know Wat I'm talking n bout.  u r PLAYN CHURCH.

shley amey, that's my people,
Et La Shnot, that means n hebrew:
N ysha yahoo, that's Isaiah n your bibles, 48:18, if only you would heed My commands, then your prosperity  would be like a river, your triumph like the waves of the sea.  
If u want 2 c this in your lives amey, STOP  PLAY N CHURCH.
CHANGE your worship day to the one we r commanded 2 keep .saturday,  the shabat,  honor your word. for that is INTEGRITY.  Shmooel, that's Samuel n your bibles chap 2., for I honor those who honor Me.
Question: will u now honor YOUR words?

I pray 2days Soul Food has edified u and encouraged u 2, MAKE THAT CHANGE, NOW,   Zkhar, that's remember n Hebrew,
Father yhoah ehyeh, will NOT, compel u 2, make that change.

just so u will know, the reason I do not capitalize our heavenly fathers emet Shem, that's TRUE name is because n hebrew there is NO CAPITOL letters, we've been told when starting a sentence, and or spelling someone's name,  we must capitalize the first letter.
THATS MANS TRADITION,  and we need 2 STOP following  man's tradition.
and stop believing everything u hear or is taught. Read kohelet thats eccl n your bibles  7:21, finally, don't pay attention to everything that Is said, ,  ,

frum tha hebrew tranzlayshun seer'eez#7

2days Soul Food.  Is bout the blood,  not of yshooah but of the blood we don't no we're eating. The meat we eat  cooked baked,  broiled. Or fried,  even wit no skin, contains PURINE,  this is the urine of the animal ,it's called, URIC ACID. Wen you cook meat and see the blood as you cook., that blood is not gone from the meat once it turns brown, its  cooked well. We just cooked that blood AND, we eat that blood that's cooked, that blood of that animal DOES contain,  parasites,  worms,  bacteria, which the human eye CANNOT SEE,  even after it is cooked. Ketvey, thats scripture n Hebrew tells us  THE
LIFE OF THE FLESH IS N THE BLOOD.   People,  those UNSEEN worms, parasites and bacteria, is life that Is n that blood that we cooked in that meat, which we do eat.  And people have and STILL DO die bcuz  of it. That is y I became a vegan. I want 2 encourage u 2 STOP,  eating meat if u don't want what u WILL get due 2 eating the blood that's COOKED n the meat. so u will know,  medical doctors have revealed this NEED 2 KNOW  info about the nest we eat, if u don't believe me. Go fry a burger,  u WILL  see Wat u r about to eat. The blood of an animal n our bodies  WILL SLOWLY BUT SURELY TAKE YOUR LIFE.  And if u eat pork,  it contains,  the TRACINA WORM,  WHICH STAYS N YOUR BADEE 4 A LOOOOOOONG TIME.  IM TALK N YEARS.  I pray your spirit was edified by 2days sol food.

frum tha hebrew tranzlayshun seer'eez#8

2Dayz Sol Food Nu Cuvenant?
Chadesh Breyt,  that's,  New Testament.

The w.c.l. world church leaders teach,  we're under a new covenant,  and that the old covenant was done way with.  Let me me bold 2 say.  That is a "OUT RIGHT LIE."

In theleym, that's psalms n your bibles,
Father Yhoah Ehyeh says, I will not violate  my covenant,  nor change what I have uttered. That means people, W. C. L.  r teaching opposite of Wat he said.  Allow me 2 let ketvey,  that's scripture show u,
WE R NOT,  under a new covenant, there is NO New Testament,  YET, N yermyahoo, that's jer,  n your bibles. Just so u know.  These names u don't know, are the TRUE names of the names that's n your bibles.  N chpt 31: verse 34, it plainly states,  
No longer will they need to teach one another and say to one another, heed Yhoah, .
 NOTICE people,  we r still teaching. Ministering, sharing the holy words,  like I'm do n thru fb. 2 the people. That ketvey proves WE R NOT UNDER A NEW TESTSMENT.   Understand: there is ONLY ONE testament,  it's Not old,  or new.  But it is STILL N EFFECT.  And we as Disciples,  NOT christians,  r to KEEP all his commands,  NOT 9, and leave out the 4th.
 Oh yeah! christianity is a RELIGION,  MAN MADE.  
Yshooah said,  go make disciples, NOT CHRISTIANS.  So my amey , accept it or not,  believe it or not,  his word Does Not lie.  But man does.  It is emet, that's TRUTH. WE R NOT UNDER A NEW COVENANT YET,  DESPITE WAT YOUR GREAT PASTOR SAY.
I pray that your spirit was edified from 2days Sol Food.

frum tha hebrew tranzlayshun seer'eez#9

2Dayz Sol Food Wat Hee ree'lee sed

N the book of meshley, the church calls this book proverbs,  which according 2 the hebrew writing n the Hebrew translation of yhoah ehyehs Torah, is the WRONG name of this book. n chptr 30:4. Wat is his name or his sons name if u know it?

 2 days Soul Food is to teach Wat the creator of heaven and earth intends 4 his people 2 Learn, and that is his TRUE, UNTRANSLATED, name.
The church and YOR Bibles says, I'm that I am sent me,. But in hebrew writing in the hebrew translation, in shmot,  thats, exodus n yor bibles 3:14, n hebrew it reads,  ehyeh shlacaney alechem zeh shmey l olam
v zeh zakhrey dor l dor

translation: ehyeh sent to, this name forever, and this remember, generation to generation.

Understand the torah has no contradictions,  the publishers,  printers and authors of the 4000 something DIFFERENT  translations has input what as they would say, word for word, I believe this means.  
Thats the problem,  instead of saying EXACTLY what father ehyeh said n hebrew, they put what they want u 2 believe wat they believe.

N ysha yahoo,  thats Isaiah in your bibles,  42:8, n the hebrew writing it reads, Aney yhoah hoo shmey,  translation: I am yhoah, the name.
He tells us 208 times himself, what his name is and who he is thru out the torah.

All the names we call him,  we,  man,  flesh and blood,  gave him those names.
 christianity came from christ.  A made up name.
N hebrew,  there's no, C, j, w, I, u. so christ was never our saviors name,  nor is Jesus,  his name. The name Jesus was made up after the letter j was added 2 the alphabets n the 1600s. christ and jesus came from krishna and heus, which was changed 2 jesus christ by constatine N 1618 @ the council of nacaea ecclesiastical gathering.

shadai was the name of 2 men n the Torah, Zuri shadai and Ammi shadai.  This is n bmedbar,  thats number,  n your bibles, 1:6. And 7:66.  Adoni was used to address our Heavenly Father,  Angels and men,  as well as men too were called, lord.

father yhoah ehyeh, reminds us n ysha yahoo 42:8,  n the hebrew translation, I am yhoah, that is my my name, I will not yield my glory to another.

bottom line: those names we call him,  I just mentioned. NEVER was his name. If any of those names were his names, that means,  they  shared n his glory., and we all know., THAT NEVER Did,  AND NEVER WILL HAPPEN.  So the church,  and the translations of men is teaching Untruth.

I pray your spirit has been edified from this,  Sol Food.

If this, Sol Food has blessed u,  please,  share with others,  

frum tha hebrew tranzlayshun seer'eez#10

2 Dayz Sol Food, This iz hoo god iz

Please allow me 2 serve u some, Sol Food. This is a segment on our online worship/praize radio station.  This is spiritual food for the edification of your soul.  

Question: do u no who god is?
Do u love god?
How do u pronounce the word ga?
How do u pronounce the sound of the letter d?
Now,  put the sound of ga, next to the sound of the letter d,
Thats right u all.  What we were told to pronounce god as, is  the CORRECT way that name is spelled as you just pronounced it.

Gad ,God, was a mortal man,  flesh and blood.  He was the son of Yaakov, the church calls him Jacob of the 12 tribes of yesrael.

god pronounced correctly is gode.  NOT gad. You cannot get an a sound from a, o. That's like try n 2 get blood from s turnip.
 We've been praying to a mortal man who has been deceased for years.  And the W. C. L. world church leaders know what I speak is emet, truth according 2 the hebrew righting in the holy torah hebrew translation.
The holy spirit taught me, what u just learned thru this Sol Food.
I pray that u received from this teaching.