Bre'sheyt bara ehyeh hashamyeym v haerez_ Tranlzlayshun: N begining cree'ayted ehyeh heven & tha erth.
Mosheh ask'd r hevenlee father , wen i go tu tha children uv yesrael, hoo shall i say sent mee?
Ehyeh anserd mosheh, "ehyeh shalachaney alechem" Tranzlayshun: ehyeh sent tu.
Father yhoah ehyeh told mosheh, i apeer'd tu avraham, yetschak & yaakov az ehyeh, but i did naat maky myself no'n tu them by my naym yhoah.
Tha hebrew ryting frum tha masoretic tex n tha hebrew tranzlayshun uv tha torah shoz father yhoah ehyeh sed himself 208 tymz himself. "I am yhoah".
Ysha'yahoo 52:6- ashured'lee, my peepol shall lern my naym. "Peepol Understand: THIS IZ HA'PEN'NING".
Theleym 100:3-acnalej that yhoah iz ehyeh. N tha hebrew ryting it reedz,,, do'oo key yhoah hee ehyeh.. Tranzlayshun: know that yhoah ehyeh.
avraham, mosheh, king chezkeyahoo ,"hezekiah", yosef, yhoshooa, shlomoh, even faro call'd r father by his "emet shem, "TRU NAYM". so y iz it that tha W.C.L. YOR PASTORS, REFUZ, tu teech his naym, acnalej his naym , wership his naym?
anser... They DU NA'T hav tha hart father yhoah ehyeh givz tu acnalej his naym. If they did.. they would acnalej, teech, invo'k, wership & prayz his holee naym, "yhoah ehyeh".
They r cunvinse'd, it du naat mayk a differense wat naym wee call him. Acording tu ketvey "scripchur." IT DU mayk a differense wat naym wee call him becuz hee tellz us tu acnalej him by tha naym hee sed waz his naym. NA'T by tha naymz wee choz or hav bin told tu call him.
If yor pastor or hooever iz preeching frum tha torah refuzez tu call father yhoah ehyeh by this naym az wee ar comanded tu, du understand "THEY ARE TEECHING YU RONG, LEEDING YU RONG, AND THEY NO THEY AR RONG. and if yu chooz tu cuntinyu tu falo him or her, no'ing nal tha "UNTRANZLAYTED, UNTAUHT TRUTH" frum tha hebrew tranzlayshun,"BE AWARE", YU R SHARING N THEIR SINZ.
YAAKOV 4:17-therefor tu him hoo noz tu du good and du naat du it, tu him it iz sin.
Hetgaloot 18:4- and i herd anuther voise frum heven saying, come out uv her my peepol lest yu share n her sinz, and lest yu reseev uv her plegz.
Tu much iz given, much iz reqwiyerd.
it iz reqwiyerd uv us tu du rite, obey wunse wee lern uv tha "TRUTH" remember ,
yu shall no tha truth, & tha truth will set yu free.