YHOPFAP iz a halse uv prayer, a nayshun,  cumpriz'd uv peepol frum aralnd tha werld  imageYHOPFAP iz a halse uv prayer, a nayshun,  cumpriz'd uv peepol frum aralnd tha werld  image
Understand: wee put tha "tru" hebrew naymz uv eech book n tha torah thru-alt this website. Yu can go tu tha 58 Bookz Uv Yhoah Ehyeh Torah payj tu lern eech naym. They ar n saym order az iz ritten n yor bybol.

Wat iz his naym or his sunz naym if yu no it?
 Meshley 30:4

Mosheh ask'd father yhoah ehyeh, hoo shall hee say sent him?
Father yhoah ehyeh told mosheh tu tel yesrael.
ehyeh shalachaney aleychem zeh shmey l'olam  zeh zechrey l'dor'dor.
Tranzlayshun: ehyeh sent tu, this naym forever, and this remember jenerayshun tu jenerayshun.

For my halse shall b call'd a halse uv prayer for all peepol ysha'yahoo 56:7.

Let "Ha Amey amar" Tha peepol say "Haloo Ehyeh"

YHOPFAP iz a nayshun uv peepol  hoo daziyerz tu lern, implement & ahnor father yhoah ehyeh's comandment & lauz  frum his torah. Meshley 3:1,2.

YHOPFAP teechez, untranzlayted, untaut truth frum tha hebrew ryting n tha hebrew tranzlayshun uv tha holee torah.
Wee hav restor'd father yhoah ehyeh & his sun yshooah emt shem-"tru naymz az it waz ritten  n hebrew, along with tha "RILL" naymz uv eech book  thru-alt  tha torah .
Men bre'sheyt  la, hetgaloot, " frum genesis tu revelayshun", az well az tha rill naymz  uv tha kingz, preestz, prafitz, landz, cuntreez. for father yhoah ehyeh n'tendz for us tu NO x'zaclee wat hee sed.

Understanding , Jews ar hebrews hoo ar dasendants uv yaakov.

Hebrews wer tha wunz persacuted, during tha halocaust"NA'T" tha jews.  jews caym frum judah hoo waz born tu yaakov, a hebrew,; tha werd "jew" waz yuz'd tu dascribe tha dasendentz uv yaakov. koreynateym 11:22.

After tha bavel x'zile, yesrael wer cald jews, hoo wer dasendantz uv yaakov hoo waz a hebrew.
Tha werd jew iz yuz'd tu refer tu dasendentz uv yaakov, a hebrew".

Tha sittee yhoodah, judea, landz cuntreez caym intu x'zistense AFTER judah waz born hoo waz a hebrew.  

Galateym 3:29 If yu hav ree'seev'd yshooah az yor sayv'yor, then yu ar a air uv ar forfather avraham hoo waz a evrey, "hebrew", NA'T a yhoodey, "jew". it waz tha evreym "hebrewz" hoo wer perscuted, kill'd. na't tha yhoodeym, "jews".

Judisim" jews iz a ralij'jun, a tradish'shun,  rulz tu falo may'd by man.
hebrew iz a na'shun'alatee.

Tha men and wemen uv yesreal wer hebrews n tha er'lee'er torah dayz.
 yhoodeym-jews did na't xzist until "AFTER" yhoodah-"judah" waz born.