YHOPFAP servis tu "ha amey", tha peepol

Wee heer at YHOPFAP ar shabat keeperz, wee ahnor tha 4th comandment, shmot 20:8 Wee ar a gro'ing nayshun uv peepol. Wee feed tha hungree, wee halz tha hom'les. wee giv tu tha need'ee. Wee ahfer employment. wee minister n tha naym uv yshooah "ONLEE" hoo iz tha sun uv tha cree'aytor uv heven & erth, yhoah ehyeh. wee ar dependant apun father yhoah ehyeh onlee for r provizjunz on this erth. Wee hav "NO" contract with en-nee uv manz governments tu xzist, heer n america. Wee teech, reed, studee, "onlee" frum tha hebrew ryting n tha hebrew tranzlayshun. Wee ahnor tha 3 feest wee ar comanded tu keep thru-out tha generayshunz. Wee teech az wee speek tu tha peepol, hebrew, werd for werd just like wee speek eenglish.

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P.I.N. "Peepol In Need"

Tha servis YHOPFAP iz aybol tu provide tu tha peepol iz du tu yor hart for yhoah ehyeh's peepol. It iz yor financhel saport that alalz yhopfap tha asistanse wee need tu b sa'sesful n servis'ing tha "peepol in need" espesh'olee heer n r own bac yard and all over tha werld. Should yu b led by ha kadosh rooach, " tha holee spirit tu help yhopfap help tha "peepol in need", yu may send cloth'z, shooz, co'tz, blaynkets, hatz halse itemz, food, such az, beenz, ry'se, 'NON" anamol praduc. YHOPFAP feed tha peepol food gro'n frum tha ground and treez "ONLEE", wich includz, "NO yeest" bred. YHOPFAP du na't po'zes tha falo'ing uv tha us. government, " lisense, permits tu aperayt, nor du wee utalyz their bankz. Yu ar still aybol tu yuz yor giving az a ry't ahf.

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It waz may 9, 2012, about 12pm, tha day uv my mutherz born day. wee wer tayken intu custodee, then wee spent tha next 1yeer & 8 munthz n a trial wee lawst. Then 1 uv us went tu prizun,. waz sentense'd tu 16 yeerz. But father yhoah ehyeh had na't aproov'd uv tha sentense that i ree'seev'd. ,,eycha 3:37. hoo iz hee hoo speekz and it cumz tu pass wen yhoah ehyeh haz na't orderd it? So i spent 3 yeerz 10 munthz n prizun, my wife lef mee wen they relees'd her which waz n 2014. shee never look'd bac or contacted mee, and waz adviz'd by her famalee tu leev mee or they would leev her, and so shee falo'd their advise. I ga't reeleese'd n 2017, becaym homles 6 munthz layter. I slep on tha streetz uv san bernardino. on tha stepz uv a cherch on baseline, & and on tha step uv a uhaul storej playse wer at timez i snuc & slep inside tha storej playse. this went on for about 30 dayz. then i waz tayken intu a cherch shelter wer wee slept on tha floor wer i stay'd for about 2 munthz. I wood find clothz on tha streetz and yuz them tu ware. i slept on couch pilloz i found, i push'd a sha'ping cart. there iz a individual i no, i call'd him wile i waz hom'les, hee caym & saw mee hom'les, i ask'd him if i could sleep n his bac yard with his dogz, hee told mee no, my wife sed , shee did na't fill cumfortabol. i waz flor'd becuz i nu this man for over 30 yeerz & wee wer sapozing'lee BEST frendz. Ok so along tha way sum peepol saw mee hom'les and bauth mee food, gayv mee a matres tu sleep on, sum gayv mee blankets,. one 16 yeer old yung man even gayv mee his halse shooz hee had on his feet. 1 laydee and her neese sta'p'd n her car and gayv mee food frum a restorant and sed, i kno yu r hungree. a cherch gayv mee a bike, i had tu go on welfare and i had NO shaym cuz, i had tu eet. along tha path uv stil bee'ing hom'les i end up getting n contact with my childhood BEST frend hoom i hav na't seen or talk'd tu n 37 yeerz, wen i told him wat i waz going thru, hee sent mee a uber driver, put mu thingz n storej, payd' munthlee for that storej. wiyerd mee munee several tymz. sent mee a lapta'p so i can cuntinyu my werk. Hee paid for 1 yeer uv a gym membership so i could shawer. Hee waz sent tu mee tu help mee wen tha cherch turn'd their bacs along with aqwaytensez & famalee memberz turn'd away frum mee. wen tha cherchez kic'd mee out uv their cherchez. but my BEST frend frum child hood waz thoz rayvenz that waz sent tu feed mee, az they waz sent tu feed eleyahoo. Then1 day wile sleeping on tha cherch flor at tha shelter. i ga't a call saying, " yu'v bin aproov'd" for halzing, come fill out payperz and moov n tuday. then i began tu ree'seev ncome, then i waz inform'd that munee wood increese & it did. I then ree'seev'd info that my insurense cumpanee began tu ishyu mee a munthlee bus pass for az long az i waz under their cuverej. I moov'd intu a 2 bdr apt n a b'yuteeful neyborhood na't far frum wer i slep on tha streetz, and my rent iz xspensiv, but i onlee pay , wel let mee say this, wat a 16 yeer old werker wood spend on cloz. And nal im shairing this testamonee with yu, praying yu tha reeder can see hal father yhoah ehyeh PROVIDED for mee and waz with mee during tha entiyer trial, and hee iz with yu az well. just no, hee will na't let yu b hungree, hee will na't let yu b harm'd even if yu ar like i waz , living on tha street. Hee will keep yu unsic, and hee will cuntinyu tu proseed n having yu caree out wat hee plan'd for yu tu du and that includes tha dreemz yu hav. I no bcuz, im cuntinyu'ing his asynment hee gayv mee and i am stil alal'd tu fafill my dreemz and yu can tu if yu just, STAND, go thru it becuz father yhoah ehyeh iz with yu, Hee cauz'd all that TU HAPPEN TU PREPARE MEE FOR THA WERK HEE HAZ FOR MEE TU DU WICH HEE HAZ MAYD MEE SASESFUL. B encurej'd If yu hav a testamonee like r felo kinsman, pleez submit it so wee may post it for utherz tu see so they can b encurej'd by yor testamonee and they can b'leev and stand, & they will see their lyv'z chaynj and their dreemz fafil'd also.

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