Yochanon 8:32 yu shall no tha truth, & tha truth shall mayk yu free. 

This iz y yu NEED tu no that tha torah wat yu call tha bybol  IZ truth, , halever, naymz hav bin "REMOOV"D" werdz by man,flesh & blud "HAZ BIN ADDED". Du na't ad or tayk away frum this werd, lest yu b found a liar.  

It iz "CLEER" and it iz sho'n and no'n that man haz added and iz sho'n tu b a liar.

This iz y "yhoah ehyeh torah , "hebrew-english tranzlayshun uv tha masoretic tex haz bin produse'd, so yu will b'gin tu lern "UNTRANZLAYTED, UNTAUHT" Truth.

Qwestchun: Du yu rill'lee want tu b free?.

Wee heer at YHOPFAP dee'sided tu sho yu tha scripchurz that DU NA'T xzizst n tha hebrew ryting n tha hebrew tranzlayshun, yet they apeer n yor bybolz. This proov'z man haz added wat they wanted us tu b'leev & they hav remoov'd wat they did na't want us tu lern.

There ar few scripchurz ritten n yor bybol wich waz na't ritten n hebrew n tha hebrew tranzlayshun.

B'lo ar thoz scripchurz, and there ar scripchurz that du na't say wat yor bybol say, so wee added tha hebrew ryting for thoz hoo r gifted with understanding hal tu reed, rite and speek hebrew so they can chec it out for themselvz.

Theleym 118:14-
azi, and ehyeh iz singing, and I hav yshooah. "Tha werdz n yor bybol iz NA'T wat it sayz heer. Pleez, go tu yor bybol and cumpare'.

עזי וזמרת יהוה ויהי לי לישועה

Theleym 58:12

And a man said, "But I am a fruit of the ritechus;   "Tha werdz n yor bybol iz NA'T wat it sayz heer. Pleez, go tu yor bybol and cumpare'.
ויאמר אדם אך פרי לעדיק אך יש אהיה שפטים בארץ

Kohelet 6:10, "Tha werdz n yor bybol iz NA'T wat it sayz heer. Pleez, go tu yor bybol and cumpare'.

Wat was already called his name and known that he is a man and can not be prosecuted with the attack that surrounds him

מה שהיה כבר נקרא שמו ונודע אשר הוא אדם ולא יוכל לדין עם שהתקיף שתקיף ממנו

Meshley 31:30

The lie of grace and the foolish beauty of a woman, The fear of is praise ehyeh. "Tha werdz n yor bybol iz NA'T wat it sayz heer. Pleez, go tu yor bybol and cumpare'.  שקר החן והבל היפי אשה יראת יהוה היא תתהלל

Yhoshooa 24:19                                                                                                                                                                               And Joshua said unto the people, You shall not be able to worship ehyeh; for I shall be holy unto him;,,,,       

 "Tha werdz n yor bybol iz NA'T wat it sayz heer. Pleez, go tu yor bybol and cumpare'.

Maasey 11:26

Tha scripchur n hebrew never sed, daspolz wer first call'd chrischens n antioch.
N tha hebrew tranzlayshun n tha hebrew ryting, it reedz, werd for werd.- Go bac tu tha messianic dasypolz- לך אשונה כנו התלמידים משיחיים

Hetgaloot 1:15                                                                                                                                                                                 His legs ar like a gleaming knob that haz bin blown away n tha furnace.

wee hav bin told. yshooah feet were like bronze, this iz ritten n yor torah, This iz "UNTRUTH". 

Tha werd yuz'd tu describe yshooah feet n tha hebrew ryting iz frum tha hebrew tranzlayshun iz, "notsetset".    Tranzlayshun: sparkling. UNDERSTAND: sparkling & bronze iz 2 totol DIFFERENT culorz.

N yochanon 5:4 n yor bybolz it reedz- for an aynjol uv ehyeh went down at sertan seezunz intu tha pool & stir'd up tha water, hoosoever then first, ahfter tha stirring up uv tha water, step'd n waz may'd well frum watever dazeez with wich hee waz aflicted.

Peepol... n tha hebrew ryting uv tha hebrw tranzlayshun uv tha masoretic tex, theez scriptchurz "DU NA'T XZIST". theez werdz wich "IZ" n yor bybolz iz "UNTRUTH".

Maasey 8:37- and phillip sed, if yu beleev with all yor hart yu may, and hee anserd and sed,  i b'leev that yshooah iz tha sun uv ehyeh.                                                                                                                                                                                       "THIS SCRIPCHUR DU NA'T XZIST N THA HEBREW RYTING N THA HEBREW TORAH".

Romeym 16:24-tha grayse uv r king yshooah b with yu all . amen. THIS SCRIPCHUR DU NA'T XZIST N THA HEBREW RYTING N THA HEBREW TORAH".

Amey, "Peepol : this iz y, yu MUST sta'dee tu sho yorself aproov'd.