R Teechingz image
Hal Could?
Wee b sayv'd by grayse thru fayth wen ketvey "scripchur" shoz us, grayse iz daseptiv?
n hebrew it reedz,,, sheker  hachen, tranzlayshun: falsehood tha grace. Meshley 31:30.
Wee ar na't sayv'd by "unmerited fayvor". Wee ar sayv'd by ar cunfe'shun uv yshooah az r sayv'yor. Romeym 10:9. " this iz tranzlayted direclee frum tha hebrew ryting frum tha hebrew tranzlayshun: and if yu cunfes n yor malth yshooah iz tha sayv'or and b'leevz n yor hart, i shall set him up frum tha ded and b sayv'd.

Hal Could?
It b wen w.c.l. " werld cherch leederz" say god or jesus spo'k tu my hart,,,, wen ketvey shoz us most dee'vee'us iz tha hart,,,. n hebrew it reedz: akov halev, tranzlayshun: tu da,seev tha hart.

Father yhoah ehyeh du na't speek tu ar hart. Reed,,,Eykhah 3:66-

Father yhoah ehyeh iz spirit, "rooach", therefor , hee speekz tu ar spirit, NA'T tu yor hart. Tha hart, yu fill with. Wee normalee act on hal wee feel, on watz n ar hart wich can b daseev'd or can b dee'vee'us. "Father yhoah ehyeh du na't speek tu ar hart."

Hal Could?

Tha badee uv yshooah, tha cherch b under a nu cuvanent, wen wee ar travaling  werldwide telling peepol , ar neyborz," heed yhoah" or teech salvayshun, his kadosh melah, " holee werd" ? wen it cleerlee telz us n yermyahoo 31:34, "no longer will they need tu teech  wun anuther & sey tu wun anuther heed yhoah,,,
So it cleerlee shoz us, "WEE R NA'T UNDER A NU CUVANENT" regardles wat man  telz yu.
Qwest'chun: hooz report will yu b'leev? let ehyeh b tru but everee man a liyer. Romeym 3:4.

Tha Cross

Iz a sculpchurd, carv'd immej. It iz worn, hung & standz on tha bild' dingz uv cherchez. This iz"DISOBEE'DEE,ENSE" uv shmot 20:4.

Yshooah r sayv'yor & king waz NA'T hung on a cross. Hee waz hung on a ez, tranzlayshun: tree. Maasey 5:30, 10:39, 13:29, kefer 2:24.
Father yhoah ehyeh telz us n theleym 89:35- I will naat violate my cuvanent or chaynj'd wat i hav utterd. Malakhey  3:6- For i am yhoah i hav na't chaynj'd,,,,,

No't: Nal wee no tha cross iz a carv'd/ sculp'chur'd immej wich iz abhorrent tu father yhoah ehyeh, then Y wood yshooah tel his da'sypolz, tayk up his cross  & falo mee?

This iz na't a contra'dicshun, this proov'z tha tranzlaytorz, publisherz, printerz added n tha scripchurz " wat yhoah NEVER sed. Shmot 20:3 proov'z it.
Meshley 30:6 -du na't ad tu his werdz, lest hee indite yu & yu b proov'd a liar.

Amey, "peepol",,, yu hav bin and "STILL" ar b'ing tauht wat iz "NA'T" ritten n hebrew frum tha hebrew tranzlayshun.

Parshul Truth

.W.C.L. " werld cherch leederz" r stil wershipping on sunday ' no'ing they r rong.
.they reufz tu acnalej, teech , invo'k yhoah ehyehs tru naym az hee told us himself 208 times wat his naym iz & hoo hee iz wich tha cherch "LEFT UNTRANZLAYTED".
They teech tayk up yor craus.  wee ar sayv'd by grayse. they wership on tha rong day. This iz jus a look at sum uv tha rong they teech tha peepol.

They ar aware they ar teeching, leeding tha peepol rong, and cauzing tha peepol tu sin. Acording tu yermyahoo 31:33, they hav yet tu reseev tha torah inscrib'd apun thier hartz by father yhoah ehyeh.

Understand: wen yu intenchunallee du rong, yet say yu luv yshooah and ahnor r father yhoah ehyeh, yu ar a liar. tu obey his werd iz na't  n yor hart.

Wat pastorz teech iz "PARSHUL" truth. Tha part they wont, don't teech, they replayse'd with "THEIR" interpretayshun. If yu du na't b'leev  this, there's abalt 4,000 diferent tranzlayshunz uv tha holee scripchurz, their interpretayshunz , wich iz NA'T  authorized by tha holee spirit.

Understand: tha holee spirit "WILL NA'T" inspire man tu ryte, print, speek, teech "PARSHUL TRUTH". Hee will na't leed or tel yu tu call ar hevenlee father naymz that ar na't his naymz. if tha holee spirit did that, hee would b a liar and wee no tha holee spirit leedz us intu all truth. naat tu tel untruth, lies. "THAT'S WAT THA W.C.L. DU."

If yor pastor iz teeching en-nee naym uther then yhoah ehyeh iz tha cree'aytor uv heven & erth, & yshooah iz his sun and hee iz r sayv'yor, they ar teeching yu rong.

There iz onlee 1 tranzlayshun , it waz ritten n hebrew, inspiyerd by ha kadosh rooach, thru holee men uv ehyeh hoo were all evreym-"hebrews".
Tha w.c.l. tranzlayted wat they wanted tranzlayted & intenchunallee left untranzlayted  father yhoah ehyeh and yshooah naym wich iz pronounse'd tha "SAYM" way n everee  tung thru-alt this werld & that naym iz yhoah ehyeh & yshooah.

This ty'p uv teeching maykz pastorz, "FALSE, TEECHERZ". Kefer 2:1- by refuzing tu acnalej hee iz yhoah ehyeh.
This parshul truth leedz tha peepol  tu say "amen" na't no'ing wat they ar agreeing tu iz "parshul truth", LIES.

Reederz, wee heer at YHOPFAP pray yu hav bin edified , encurej'd & inspiyerd by that wich yu hav red.
R asynment heer at YHOPFAP iz tu "witnes" la amey"- tu tha peepol", untranzlayted untauht truth frum tha hebrew rytingz frum tha hebrew tranzlayshun. Wee ar "MANDAYTED" tu inform ha amey uv tha RONG teechingz frum tha W.C.L.

if wee du na't inform yu uv tha rong uv tha cherch, wee will b held acountabol, that iz tha purpus for this website. Ychezke'l 3:18- If i say tu a wicked man, yu shall die, & yu du na't warn him, yu du na't speek tu warn tha wicked man uv his wicked corse  n order tu sayv his life, hee, tha wicked man, shall die for his iniqwatee, but i will reqwiyer a reckoning for his blud frum yu.

Tu much iz given, much iz ree'qwiyerd. Lookas 12:48. Yaakov 4:17- tu him
 hoo noz tu du good  and du na't du it, tu him it iz sin.

Qwestchun: will yu cuntinyu tu falo thoz hoo ar purpus'lee teeching untruth frum tha holee scriptchurz, or will yu mayk up yor mind and cum alt uv her. Hetgaloot 18:4.