Acording tu tha hebrew ryting frum tha hebrew tranzlayshun uv tha " masoretic tex",
Wee giv yu tha ryting n hebrew with tha tranzlayshun uv tha
Salvay'shun Prayer
Romeym 10:9-This iz wat it reeds frum tha hebrew ryting n tha hebrew tranzlayshun.
If yu cunfess n yor mouth yshooah iz tha sayv'yor and b'leev n yor hart, I shall rayz him frum tha ded and b sayv'd.
Wee heer at YHOPFAP encurej yu tu find a shabat keeping cherch that teechez, speek and preech tha ONLEE TRU naym uv tha cree'aytor uv heven & erth wich iz "yhoah ehyeh",
& becum baptized.
Meshley 3:1,2- my sun, remember my torah, keep my comandments, for lenth uv dayz, yeerz uv life and well b'ing wil b added tu yu.