Peepol r alwayz seeking a place tu wership, a cherch tu go tu .
They r alwayz looking for tha "rite" cherch.
So heer iz hal yu will no if yu found tha rite cherch.

1.Du yor pastor hold cherch servasez on sunday insted uv on tha 7th day, tha shabat?
2. Du yor pastor teech frum tha "hebrew tranzlayshun " uv tha holee scripchurz?
3. Du yor pastor hav a cross n tha cherch, in tha pull pit on tha wall, on tha cherch groundz?
4. Du yor pastor call r hevenlee father, Yah, Yahweh, jehovah, adonai, immanuel, tha great I'am, jesus, christ, tha masheach, tha messiah, god, yor god, tha, god, but god, their god, yeshua, yahova?
5.Du yor pastor teech yshooah waz rayz'd on tha 1st day uv tha week?
6. Du yor pastor teech wee r under a nu cuvenant?
7. Du yor pastor teech, wee r naat under tha law & it waz dun away with?
8. Du yor pastor teech wee r savy'vd by grayse?
9. Du yor pastor say, god told mee tu go, meening hee / shee waz told tu go start a ministry?
10. Du yor pastor say, hee/shee saw jesus n a dreem, or sed I just no it waz jesus hoo waz speeking tu mee?

Heerz tha anserz tu thoz qwestchunz if yu r looking for a cherch.
If yor pastor du all stayted abuv,,,
acording tu scripchur. they r n disobedee'ence"

1.Shmot 20: 8 Thu shall remeber tha shabat and keep it holee, thou shall du no werk.
2. Tha scripchurz were given tu holee men uv yhoah ehyeh inspiyerd by tha holee spirit tu ryt tha torah and all tha ryterz wer hebrews. 1st ryter waz mosheh, hee ro't tha 1st 5 books uv tha torah.
Yochanon waz tha last ryter uv tha torah. Yshooah told yochanon tu ryt wat hee saw and send it tu  tha 7 cherchez. Hetgaloot 1:11.
PEEPOL,, instrucshun waz given by yshooah, hee told yochanon tu ry't wat hee saw & send it tu tha 7 cherchez. becuz hee waz a hebrew wat hee saw, hee ro't it n hebrew.
3. Tha cross is a carv'd sculpchur'd immej. Shmot 20:2 yu shall naat mayk for yorself a scupchurd immajej,,,,,,,
No't: there iz NO mesej uv tha cross, it haz NO relevense tu r salvayshun.
4.Ysha'yahoo, 52:6, ashuredlee, my peepool shall lern my naym, Theleym 100:3, acnalej that i am yhoah.
5. Frum sun down friday tu sundown sat iz 24 ahwerz, thatz 1 day.
     Frum Sun Duwn saturday tu sundown sunday iz anuther 24 ahwerz.
     Frum sundown sunday tu sundown munday, thatz anuther 24 ahwerz. that totol'z 3 dayz & 3 nytz.
That iz 72 ahwerz. UNDERSTAND: yu CANNA'T get 72 ahwerz frum friday tu sunday.
just az yonah waz n tha bel'lee uv tha grayt fish, so will man b n tha hart uv tha erth.

Regardles uv wat yor pastor say. 24x3 =72. Yshooah waz rayz'd on tha 3rd day that waz tha 1st day uv tha week wich wee call munday. Hee layd n tha ground during thoz 72 ahwerz acording tu scripchur. Nal unles yu r unaybol tu count and cannaa''t ad 24+24+24=72, Then it iz CLEER yor pastor lied & stil cuntinyuz tu lie tu "ha amey", tha peepol.
Will Yor Pastor imageWill Yor Pastor image