יהוָֹה אֶהיֶה

My House shall be called
a house of prayer for all people
ysha'yahoo 56:7

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YHOPFAP iz a halse uv prayer, a nayshun,  cumpriz'd uv peepol frum aralnd tha werld  imageYHOPFAP iz a halse uv prayer, a nayshun,  cumpriz'd uv peepol frum aralnd tha werld  image
Understand: wee put tha "tru" hebrew naymz uv eech book n tha torah thru-alt this website. Yu can go tu tha 58 Bookz Uv Yhoah Ehyeh Torah payj tu lern eech naym. They ar n saym order az iz ritten n yor bybol.

Wat iz his naym or his sunz naym if yu no it?
 Meshley 30:4

Mosheh ask'd father yhoah ehyeh, hoo shall hee say sent him?
Father yhoah ehyeh told mosheh tu tel yesrael.
ehyeh shalachaney aleychem zeh shmey l'olam  zeh zechrey l'dor'dor.
Tranzlayshun: ehyeh sent tu, this naym forever, and this remember jenerayshun tu jenerayshun.

For my halse shall b call'd a halse uv prayer for all peepol ysha'yahoo 56:7.

Let "Ha Amey amar" Tha peepol say "Haloo Ehyeh"

YHOPFAP iz a nayshun uv peepol  hoo daziyerz tu lern, implement & ahnor father yhoah ehyeh's comandment & lauz  frum his torah. Meshley 3:1,2.

YHOPFAP teechez, untranzlayted, untaut truth frum tha hebrew ryting n tha hebrew tranzlayshun uv tha holee torah.
Wee hav restor'd father yhoah ehyeh & his sun yshooah emt shem-"tru naymz az it waz ritten  n hebrew, along with tha "RILL" naymz uv eech book  thru-alt  tha torah .
Men bre'sheyt  la, hetgaloot, " frum genesis tu revelayshun", az well az tha rill naymz  uv tha kingz, preestz, prafitz, landz, cuntreez. for father yhoah ehyeh n'tendz for us tu NO x'zaclee wat hee sed.

Understanding , Jews ar hebrews hoo ar dasendants uv yaakov.

Hebrews wer tha wunz persacuted, during tha halocaust"NA'T" tha jews.  jews caym frum judah hoo waz born tu yaakov, a hebrew,; tha werd "jew" waz yuz'd tu dascribe tha dasendentz uv yaakov. koreynateym 11:22.

After tha bavel x'zile, yesrael wer cald jews, hoo wer dasendantz uv yaakov hoo waz a hebrew.
Tha werd jew iz yuz'd tu refer tu dasendentz uv yaakov, a hebrew".

Tha sittee yhoodah, judea, landz cuntreez caym intu x'zistense AFTER judah waz born hoo waz a hebrew.  

Galateym 3:29 If yu hav ree'seev'd yshooah az yor sayv'yor, then yu ar a air uv ar forfather avraham hoo waz a evrey, "hebrew", NA'T a yhoodey, "jew". it waz tha evreym "hebrewz" hoo wer perscuted, kill'd. na't tha yhoodeym, "jews".

Judisim" jews iz a ralij'jun, a tradish'shun,  rulz tu falo may'd by man.
hebrew iz a na'shun'alatee.

Tha men and wemen uv yesreal wer hebrews n tha er'lee'er torah dayz.
 yhoodeym-jews did na't xzist until "AFTER" yhoodah-"judah" waz born.

YHOPFAP servis tu "ha amey", tha peepol

Wee heer at YHOPFAP ar shabat keeperz, wee ahnor tha 4th comandment, shmot 20:8 Wee ar a gro'ing nayshun uv peepol. Wee feed tha hungree, wee halz tha hom'les. wee giv tu tha need'ee. Wee ahfer employment. wee minister n tha naym uv yshooah "ONLEE" hoo iz tha sun uv tha cree'aytor uv heven & erth, yhoah ehyeh. wee ar dependant apun father yhoah ehyeh onlee for r provizjunz on this erth. Wee hav "NO" contract with en-nee uv manz governments tu xzist, heer n america. Wee teech, reed, studee, "onlee" frum tha hebrew ryting n tha hebrew tranzlayshun. Wee ahnor tha 3 feest wee ar comanded tu keep thru-out tha generayshunz. Wee teech az wee speek tu tha peepol, hebrew, werd for werd just like wee speek eenglish.

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P.I.N. "Peepol In Need"

Tha servis YHOPFAP iz aybol tu provide tu tha peepol iz du tu yor hart for yhoah ehyeh's peepol. It iz yor financhel saport that alalz yhopfap tha asistanse wee need tu b sa'sesful n servis'ing tha "peepol in need" espesh'olee heer n r own bac yard and all over tha werld. Should yu b led by ha kadosh rooach, " tha holee spirit tu help yhopfap help tha "peepol in need", yu may send cloth'z, shooz, co'tz, blaynkets, hatz halse itemz, food, such az, beenz, ry'se, 'NON" anamol praduc. YHOPFAP feed tha peepol food gro'n frum tha ground and treez "ONLEE", wich includz, "NO yeest" bred. YHOPFAP du na't po'zes tha falo'ing uv tha us. government, " lisense, permits tu aperayt, nor du wee utalyz their bankz. Yu ar still aybol tu yuz yor giving az a ry't ahf.

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It waz may 9, 2012, about 12pm, tha day uv my mutherz born day. wee wer tayken intu custodee, then wee spent tha next 1yeer & 8 munthz n a trial wee lawst. Then 1 uv us went tu prizun,. waz sentense'd tu 16 yeerz. But father yhoah ehyeh had na't aproov'd uv tha sentense that i ree'seev'd. ,,eycha 3:37. hoo iz hee hoo speekz and it cumz tu pass wen yhoah ehyeh haz na't orderd it? So i spent 3 yeerz 10 munthz n prizun, my wife lef mee wen they relees'd her which waz n 2014. shee never look'd bac or contacted mee, and waz adviz'd by her famalee tu leev mee or they would leev her, and so shee falo'd their advise. I ga't reeleese'd n 2017, becaym homles 6 munthz layter. I slep on tha streetz uv san bernardino. on tha stepz uv a cherch on baseline, & and on tha step uv a uhaul storej playse wer at timez i snuc & slep inside tha storej playse. this went on for about 30 dayz. then i waz tayken intu a cherch shelter wer wee slept on tha floor wer i stay'd for about 2 munthz. I wood find clothz on tha streetz and yuz them tu ware. i slept on couch pilloz i found, i push'd a sha'ping cart. there iz a individual i no, i call'd him wile i waz hom'les, hee caym & saw mee hom'les, i ask'd him if i could sleep n his bac yard with his dogz, hee told mee no, my wife sed , shee did na't fill cumfortabol. i waz flor'd becuz i nu this man for over 30 yeerz & wee wer sapozing'lee BEST frendz. Ok so along tha way sum peepol saw mee hom'les and bauth mee food, gayv mee a matres tu sleep on, sum gayv mee blankets,. one 16 yeer old yung man even gayv mee his halse shooz hee had on his feet. 1 laydee and her neese sta'p'd n her car and gayv mee food frum a restorant and sed, i kno yu r hungree. a cherch gayv mee a bike, i had tu go on welfare and i had NO shaym cuz, i had tu eet. along tha path uv stil bee'ing hom'les i end up getting n contact with my childhood BEST frend hoom i hav na't seen or talk'd tu n 37 yeerz, wen i told him wat i waz going thru, hee sent mee a uber driver, put mu thingz n storej, payd' munthlee for that storej. wiyerd mee munee several tymz. sent mee a lapta'p so i can cuntinyu my werk. Hee paid for 1 yeer uv a gym membership so i could shawer. Hee waz sent tu mee tu help mee wen tha cherch turn'd their bacs along with aqwaytensez & famalee memberz turn'd away frum mee. wen tha cherchez kic'd mee out uv their cherchez. but my BEST frend frum child hood waz thoz rayvenz that waz sent tu feed mee, az they waz sent tu feed eleyahoo. Then1 day wile sleeping on tha cherch flor at tha shelter. i ga't a call saying, " yu'v bin aproov'd" for halzing, come fill out payperz and moov n tuday. then i began tu ree'seev ncome, then i waz inform'd that munee wood increese & it did. I then ree'seev'd info that my insurense cumpanee began tu ishyu mee a munthlee bus pass for az long az i waz under their cuverej. I moov'd intu a 2 bdr apt n a b'yuteeful neyborhood na't far frum wer i slep on tha streetz, and my rent iz xspensiv, but i onlee pay , wel let mee say this, wat a 16 yeer old werker wood spend on cloz. And nal im shairing this testamonee with yu, praying yu tha reeder can see hal father yhoah ehyeh PROVIDED for mee and waz with mee during tha entiyer trial, and hee iz with yu az well. just no, hee will na't let yu b hungree, hee will na't let yu b harm'd even if yu ar like i waz , living on tha street. Hee will keep yu unsic, and hee will cuntinyu tu proseed n having yu caree out wat hee plan'd for yu tu du and that includes tha dreemz yu hav. I no bcuz, im cuntinyu'ing his asynment hee gayv mee and i am stil alal'd tu fafill my dreemz and yu can tu if yu just, STAND, go thru it becuz father yhoah ehyeh iz with yu, Hee cauz'd all that TU HAPPEN TU PREPARE MEE FOR THA WERK HEE HAZ FOR MEE TU DU WICH HEE HAZ MAYD MEE SASESFUL. B encurej'd If yu hav a testamonee like r felo kinsman, pleez submit it so wee may post it for utherz tu see so they can b encurej'd by yor testamonee and they can b'leev and stand, & they will see their lyv'z chaynj and their dreemz fafil'd also.

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His comandments wee ar tu keep, frum jenerayshun tu jenerayshun

Tha 3 feest, Tha pas over- vayekra 23:4-8,14, Day uv atonement vayekra 18:29-31, Feest uv booths vayekra 23:33,39-43. " A lau for all time thru-alt tha ayjez. Amos 5:21- I spurn yor festivals, i'am na't a'peez'd" by yor solem asembleez. If yu selabrayt en-nee ha'la dayz that man may'd, then yu r falo'ing tha tradish'shunz uv man .

wership iz laying prastrayt on yor fayse or neeling with yor hed bal'd lo & praying n tha holee spirit. yhoodah 1:20 But tha alwer iz cuming, and nal iz, wen tha tru wershiperz will wership tha father n spirit & truth....yochanon 4:23 vs.24, ehyeh iz spirit & thoz hoo wership him must wership him n spirit & truth. Cum let us bal daln & nill, bend tha nee befor yhoah ar mayker. Hee iz ehyeh. Theleym 95:6. Devrey hayameym 20:18-yhoshafat bal'd lo with his fayse tu tha gralnd, & all yhoodah & tha inhabatants uv yrooshalam thru themslevz daln befor yhoah tu wership yhoah. Matay 2:11- and wen they had cum intu tha halse, they sau tha yung child with meryam his muther and fel daln & wership'd him. Maasey 17:25- Nor iz hee wership'd with handz az thouh hee needed en-nee'thing. So wen yu lift up yor handz & sing untu father yhoah ehyeh, that'z na't wership, thatz prayz. Az tha ketvey "scripchur" shoz us,wen yu bal daln, nill, prastrayt, thatz wership. Pray'z iz- lifting yor voyse, handz, singing tu father yhoah ehyeh

R Teechingz image
Hal Could?
Wee b sayv'd by grayse thru fayth wen ketvey "scripchur" shoz us, grayse iz daseptiv?
n hebrew it reedz,,, sheker  hachen, tranzlayshun: falsehood tha grace. Meshley 31:30.
Wee ar na't sayv'd by "unmerited fayvor". Wee ar sayv'd by ar cunfe'shun uv yshooah az r sayv'yor. Romeym 10:9. " this iz tranzlayted direclee frum tha hebrew ryting frum tha hebrew tranzlayshun: and if yu cunfes n yor malth yshooah iz tha sayv'or and b'leevz n yor hart, i shall set him up frum tha ded and b sayv'd.

Hal Could?
It b wen w.c.l. " werld cherch leederz" say god or jesus spo'k tu my hart,,,, wen ketvey shoz us most dee'vee'us iz tha hart,,,. n hebrew it reedz: akov halev, tranzlayshun: tu da,seev tha hart.

Father yhoah ehyeh du na't speek tu ar hart. Reed,,,Eykhah 3:66-

Father yhoah ehyeh iz spirit, "rooach", therefor , hee speekz tu ar spirit, NA'T tu yor hart. Tha hart, yu fill with. Wee normalee act on hal wee feel, on watz n ar hart wich can b daseev'd or can b dee'vee'us. "Father yhoah ehyeh du na't speek tu ar hart."

Hal Could?

Tha badee uv yshooah, tha cherch b under a nu cuvanent, wen wee ar travaling  werldwide telling peepol , ar neyborz," heed yhoah" or teech salvayshun, his kadosh melah, " holee werd" ? wen it cleerlee telz us n yermyahoo 31:34, "no longer will they need tu teech  wun anuther & sey tu wun anuther heed yhoah,,,
So it cleerlee shoz us, "WEE R NA'T UNDER A NU CUVANENT" regardles wat man  telz yu.
Qwest'chun: hooz report will yu b'leev? let ehyeh b tru but everee man a liyer. Romeym 3:4.

Tha Cross

Iz a sculpchurd, carv'd immej. It iz worn, hung & standz on tha bild' dingz uv cherchez. This iz"DISOBEE'DEE,ENSE" uv shmot 20:4.

Yshooah r sayv'yor & king waz NA'T hung on a cross. Hee waz hung on a ez, tranzlayshun: tree. Maasey 5:30, 10:39, 13:29, kefer 2:24.
Father yhoah ehyeh telz us n theleym 89:35- I will naat violate my cuvanent or chaynj'd wat i hav utterd. Malakhey  3:6- For i am yhoah i hav na't chaynj'd,,,,,

No't: Nal wee no tha cross iz a carv'd/ sculp'chur'd immej wich iz abhorrent tu father yhoah ehyeh, then Y wood yshooah tel his da'sypolz, tayk up his cross  & falo mee?

This iz na't a contra'dicshun, this proov'z tha tranzlaytorz, publisherz, printerz added n tha scripchurz " wat yhoah NEVER sed. Shmot 20:3 proov'z it.
Meshley 30:6 -du na't ad tu his werdz, lest hee indite yu & yu b proov'd a liar.

Amey, "peepol",,, yu hav bin and "STILL" ar b'ing tauht wat iz "NA'T" ritten n hebrew frum tha hebrew tranzlayshun.

Parshul Truth

.W.C.L. " werld cherch leederz" r stil wershipping on sunday ' no'ing they r rong.
.they reufz tu acnalej, teech , invo'k yhoah ehyehs tru naym az hee told us himself 208 times wat his naym iz & hoo hee iz wich tha cherch "LEFT UNTRANZLAYTED".
They teech tayk up yor craus.  wee ar sayv'd by grayse. they wership on tha rong day. This iz jus a look at sum uv tha rong they teech tha peepol.

They ar aware they ar teeching, leeding tha peepol rong, and cauzing tha peepol tu sin. Acording tu yermyahoo 31:33, they hav yet tu reseev tha torah inscrib'd apun thier hartz by father yhoah ehyeh.

Understand: wen yu intenchunallee du rong, yet say yu luv yshooah and ahnor r father yhoah ehyeh, yu ar a liar. tu obey his werd iz na't  n yor hart.

Wat pastorz teech iz "PARSHUL" truth. Tha part they wont, don't teech, they replayse'd with "THEIR" interpretayshun. If yu du na't b'leev  this, there's abalt 4,000 diferent tranzlayshunz uv tha holee scripchurz, their interpretayshunz , wich iz NA'T  authorized by tha holee spirit.

Understand: tha holee spirit "WILL NA'T" inspire man tu ryte, print, speek, teech "PARSHUL TRUTH". Hee will na't leed or tel yu tu call ar hevenlee father naymz that ar na't his naymz. if tha holee spirit did that, hee would b a liar and wee no tha holee spirit leedz us intu all truth. naat tu tel untruth, lies. "THAT'S WAT THA W.C.L. DU."

If yor pastor iz teeching en-nee naym uther then yhoah ehyeh iz tha cree'aytor uv heven & erth, & yshooah iz his sun and hee iz r sayv'yor, they ar teeching yu rong.

There iz onlee 1 tranzlayshun , it waz ritten n hebrew, inspiyerd by ha kadosh rooach, thru holee men uv ehyeh hoo were all evreym-"hebrews".
Tha w.c.l. tranzlayted wat they wanted tranzlayted & intenchunallee left untranzlayted  father yhoah ehyeh and yshooah naym wich iz pronounse'd tha "SAYM" way n everee  tung thru-alt this werld & that naym iz yhoah ehyeh & yshooah.

This ty'p uv teeching maykz pastorz, "FALSE, TEECHERZ". Kefer 2:1- by refuzing tu acnalej hee iz yhoah ehyeh.
This parshul truth leedz tha peepol  tu say "amen" na't no'ing wat they ar agreeing tu iz "parshul truth", LIES.

Reederz, wee heer at YHOPFAP pray yu hav bin edified , encurej'd & inspiyerd by that wich yu hav red.
R asynment heer at YHOPFAP iz tu "witnes" la amey"- tu tha peepol", untranzlayted untauht truth frum tha hebrew rytingz frum tha hebrew tranzlayshun. Wee ar "MANDAYTED" tu inform ha amey uv tha RONG teechingz frum tha W.C.L.

if wee du na't inform yu uv tha rong uv tha cherch, wee will b held acountabol, that iz tha purpus for this website. Ychezke'l 3:18- If i say tu a wicked man, yu shall die, & yu du na't warn him, yu du na't speek tu warn tha wicked man uv his wicked corse  n order tu sayv his life, hee, tha wicked man, shall die for his iniqwatee, but i will reqwiyer a reckoning for his blud frum yu.

Tu much iz given, much iz ree'qwiyerd. Lookas 12:48. Yaakov 4:17- tu him
 hoo noz tu du good  and du na't du it, tu him it iz sin.

Qwestchun: will yu cuntinyu tu falo thoz hoo ar purpus'lee teeching untruth frum tha holee scriptchurz, or will yu mayk up yor mind and cum alt uv her. Hetgaloot 18:4.
P.I.N-Peepol                      In Need Ministry image
Peepol In Need
Ministreez iz a davizjun uv YHOPFAP.
Wee help peepol n need uv shelter, food clothing, school saplyz, tranzportayshun tu & frum apointments, ahfer werk within YHOPFAP.
Ha't mill'z, Brekfest, lunch & dinner.

P.I.N.  feed tha peepol food that iz grown, "NO PRASES FOOD". NO Animol products.
Wee trayn all hoo ar willing tu werk within YHOPFAP n a plefer uv availabol pozis'shunz. There iz compensayshun. Inqwiyer thru website via r email link.

If yu wood like tu donate tu P.I.N, wee acsept,
Clothing, shooz, co'tz, saakz, halzing itemz. Been'z, Ryse, school saplyz, bac pacz,  
"NU" itemz "ONLEE".  Giv untu uthers az yu wood want given tu yorself.
 It iz yor giving that alalz YHOPFAP tu help "Peepol In Need".

If yu wood like tu giv a financhol gift, "Pleez Understand," becuz wee ar na't dependent apun tha u.s. government nor du wee engayj with their banking system,
Wee encurej yu tu send a "BLANK" u.s. postal munee order "ONLEE"for yor giving tu P.I.N.

Tu giv, contact YHOPFAP or P.I.N by phone or email. If yu r giving itemz pleez b shure tu schedjul an apointment, wee will giv yu tha adres tu r warehalse tu dra'p awf yor itemz az tha apointment iz may'd.

Tha vizjun uv YHOPFAP.

Tu teech tha peepol untranzlayted, untaught, truth frum tha hebrew ryting uv tha hebrew tranzlayshun az it iz ritten tayken frum tha masoretic text.

Wee teech, naat tu falo tha tradish,shunz uv man. Vayekra 18:1-Yhoah spo'k tu mosheh  saying, speek tu tha peepol uv yesrael and say tu them, I yhoah am yor ehyeh, , yu shall na't ca'pee tha practasis uv tha land uv metsraymah ware yu dwelt,,,,,,,,,,, nor shall yu falo their lawz. My rulz alone shall yu abzerv & faythfulee falo my lauz, i am yhoah ehyeh.

Wee teech it waz yshooah  his sun hoo died on a tree for r salvayshun , fayth, hilling, tha gifts uv tha holee spirit,  baptizum.

Wee aufer: shelter, food, haat millz, clothing for tha needee. Wee pray for and lay handz on tha sic. Wee provide training for pozishuhz availabol within YHOPFAP.
Wee aufer calnsoling yuzing wat tha scripchurz say abalt yor sircumstansez and hal tu effectivlee mayk thingz chaynj yuzing, "implementing" wat hee sed n his torah.
Meshley 3:1,2- my sun , du na't forget my torah, but let yor mind retayn my camandmentz, for they will besto on yu lenth uv dayz, yeerz uv life & wel b'ing.

YHOPFAP Ministreez cunsist uv:
.NAHIM Counsel uv Lau Aufis   https://870288.site123.me
.NAHIM School uv lau
.KUUT 24 alwer "Live" online/satalite wership & praze radio stayshun
. TTC " Tha Truth Chan'nol" online TV
.P.I.N. Ministreez
.Land Develupment
.NAHIM Secur'd Depaz'a tory Davizjun

YHOPFAP iz an "Independant" ministry, having "NO" cantracz, tiez, NO affil'lee'ayshun with tha u.s. government.

Wee ar solee dependant apun father yhoah ehyeh hoo provides for tha wel b'ing uv his children.

YHOPFAP Vizjun image
Werdz Uv Encurejment image
Chaynj tha way yu think,
it will chaynj tha way yu speek.
Tha Dasizjun yu mayk, Determinz yor Desta'nayshun.

If yu du tha saym az utherz du, yu will get tha saym ree'zults, just n a diferent way.
It may b good or it can turn out bad.

If yu try tu du sumthing, yu will fail. Trying iz re'peeting tha prases, yu ar going n a sircol.
Tha scripchurz telz us tu du it, go forth, It may b hard, but if itz wat yu want, yu will sa'seed.
Marcoos 11:24- speek tu tha mountain, tell it tu b remoovd.  "Thats duing it,, na't trying".
Father Yhoah Ehyeh sed, let there b , and it waz.  hee spo'k it, hee did na't try,  neether should yu.

Wen apozis'shun arize n yor life, tayk that apozis'shun and turn it intu an "aportunatee.

Et la shnot: Tranzlayshun- time tu chaynj

Qweschun: Du yu want tu chaynj?
                   Will yu chaynj?

Keep this n mind. Daneye'i 10:12- hee then sed tu mee, hav no feer  daneye'l, for frum tha 1st day that yu set yor mind tu get understanding, practis'ing abstanense befor ehyeh, yor prayer waz herd.

Yu want yor prayerz tu b herd & anserd? "yu MUST" mayk up yor mind tu du, obey, and ahnor father yhoah ehyeh's comandmentz, rulz and lawz.
Shmooel 2:30- I ahnor thoz hoo ahnor mee.

                                                               Reederz uv this website, pleez understand:

Tha ryting thru-alt this website iz na't uv tha tradish'shunol way uv spellling werdz.

Tha werdz ar spel'd x'zac'lee az they sound & hal they should b spel'd.

Tha reezun theez werdz apeer rong tu yu iz b'cuz, wee wer taut rong, tu think, speek and spell tha way "THEY" want us tu. & nal itz time for yu tu "Chanyj tha way yu think.



got- ga't








holy-holee....so on & so on

DALN LO'D - yhoah ehyeh torah PDF imageDALN LO'D - yhoah ehyeh torah PDF imageDALN LO'D - yhoah ehyeh torah PDF image
NAL AVAILABOL on pdf for dalnlo'd tha 1st time ever publish'd yhoah ehyeh torah hebrew-english tranzlayshun with his ONLEE 2 naymz he sed iz hiz 208 tymz restord & his sun ar say'vorz yshooah "ONLEE" naym thru-alt this
"NU" hebrew-english torah. Masoretic text.

Tha producshun uv this torah began n 2014
It cuntaynz tha onlee 2 tru naymz uv r hevenlee father wich hee himself sed waz hiz 208 tymz along with tha tru naymz uv ar forfatherz, kingz preest, prafitz, landz, cuntreez,wich "NO MAN" can refute.

Yu will see scripchurz that never wer ritten n tha hebrew ryting n tha hebrew tranzlayshun wich apeerz n yor bybol wich yu ar familyer with.

x'zampol: jesus waz a blac man
christianity waz 1st establish'd n antioach

Yu will also b aybol tu lern uv tha hebrew alefbet.
Acording tu tha torah calender. NA'T tha jewish calender. tha ac'chu'ol dayz uv tha week, munth, and wen tha nu yeer startz.

Tha holee dayz wee ar tu keep " NA'T" tha holidayz. "ha'la days.

This nu torah iz FREE. Yu can dalnlo'd tha CUMPLEET yhoah ehyeh torah on this site. frum men bre'sheyt la hetgaloot,  "frum genesis tu revelation", while awayting the print of the harback ca'pee.
There ar 58 bookz uv tha entiyer torah "NA'T" 66.
Tha torah never waz ritten n partz....meening 1st & 2nd so & so.

Tha truth iz, tha naym uv this book iz cald torah, this can b verafied thru-alt tha book uv romeym.

Wee hav bin told tha last 22 books uv tha torah waz naat ritten n hebrew. Yu call it tha "Nu testament.. Az it iz sho'n,, tha last 22 bookz wer ritten n hebrew.

Acording tu scripchur, tha last ryter waz yochanon, hoo ro't tha book uv hetgaloot, hee waz an evrey"hebrew", & hee waz given instruc'shun frum yshooah tu rite wat hee sau & send it tu tha 7 cherchez. That meen hee spo'k ro't and red hebrew. & wat hee ro't it waz n hebrew, that shoz wat yu call tha nu testament "WAZ" ritten n hebrew.

B'lo ar tha achu'ol bookz  uv yhoah ehyeh's torah n tha naymz wee ar saposz tu call them.

 Devrey Hayeymeym
 Sheyr hasheyreym
58 Bookz Uv Yhoah Ehyeh Torah image58 Bookz Uv Yhoah Ehyeh Torah image
Itz ahften ask'd,,,, wat iz tha best tranzlayshun tu get?
I wun day ro't a hebrew werld cherch leeder asking for a cumpleet torah, hee ro't mee bac and sed, tha onlee differense between tha bybolz iz tha tranzlayshun, and az i red that le'ter, tha holee spirit sed ," and wat waz "left untranzlayted". I waz flor'd.

Itz bin sed tha last 22 bookz uv tha torah waz ritten n greek and na't n hebrew.
Wat yu du na't no iz n tha greek alfabet, there iz "NO" letter "Y". That meen that book du na't & canna't cuntayn r hevenlee father nor r sayv'yorz tru naymz, wich meen that tranzlayshun iz "UNAUTHORIZED". Tha holee spirit did na't inspiyer en-nee wun tu ry't a torah that du naat cuntayn yhoah ehyeh or yshooah naym.

N tha hebrew ryting n tha hebrew tranzlayshun father yhoah sed himself n hebrew, aney yhoah hoo shmey. Tranzlayshun: I am yhoah tha naym.

This saym verse n tha greek tranzlayshun "DU NA'T" say yhoah, it sez " god, lord.
It can't say yhoah or yshooah becuz there iz no Y n tha greek tranzlayshun.

Father yhoah intends for his peepol tu lern his naym,  ysha'yahoo 52:6.
 tha peepol CANNA'T & WILL NA'T lern it frum tha greek tranzlayshun.

Nal yu see & wee pray yu understand tha greek tranzlayshun iz na't authorized by tha holee spirit.

Tha releese dayt uv yhoah ehyeh torah, TBA.
 Yu can "nal" downlo'd tha jpeg file uv tha introducshun tu this 1st ever publish'd hebrew-english torah cuntayning tha "ONLEE" 2 untranzlayted naymz wich iz restor'd.

SOON yu will b aybol tu down lo'd tha cumpleet "Yhoah Ehyeh Torah" frum this site "ONLEE".
 B shure tu chec bac ahften.
Tranzlayshunz image
Sajested Daylee Wership image
This iz YHOPFAP "sajested" 60 min'nut Daylee wership sced'jul'ol.

Meshley 28:20, a dependable man will ree'seev men-nee blessingz.

Du this EVEREEDAY: without fail. DU NA'T mis a day.

1.soon az you awayk, fall on yor neez and begin tu wership father yhoah ehyeh.
    10 min. That iz "praying n tha spirit, praying n uther tung.
2.pray n yor layngwej-10 min
3.interseed for utherz- thatz praying n tha spirit 15 min.
4.sing untu father yhoah ehyeh-10 min
5. reed tha scripchurz 15 min. reed tha falo'ing scripchurz n tha order it iz ritten.
PAY yor tythes & ahferings regardles uv wat needz tu b paid or bouht.
Thatz it.
YHOPFAP haz bin duing this sinse r xzistense n 2012, and r halse uv prayer haz  and stil iz bee'ing bles'd.

Meshley "prov" a day acording tu tha day, thatz tha meshley yu shall reed.
theleym "psl" 1:1, 40:-12,15,16, 86:8-13, chapter 91, 103:1-6, 116: 1,2,118:28,29, 119:7-62, chapter 138, meshley 3:1,2,6,7,8, 4:20,21, 23:26.
shmot ""ex" 23:25.

wunse yu b'gin tu du this faithful'lee, yu'll see yor hilling n yor badee, yor finansez gro'ing, yor wizdum increese'ing, aportunateez gro'ing n yor life, peepol giving yu thingz.
last scripchur PLEEZ reed and adher tu. ysha'yahoo - 48:18.

Sol Food image
Wee heer at YHOPFAP ar eeger tu share with yu z sampolz frum r raydee'o stayshun program titol'd, " Sol Food". This iz a few minutes  uv giving yu food for yor sol, men ha kadosh ketveym, frum tha holee scripchurz, wich iz tayken frum tha teechingz "frum tha hebrew tranzlayshun seereez".

 frum tha hebrew tranzlayshun seer'eez #1

2 Dayz Sol Food, god iz

god iz na't, tha creator uv heven & erth
god iz na't  a spirit
god iz na't an object
god iz  na't  tha father uv r savior yshooah
god iz  na't  r hiller
god iz  na't  r deliverer
god iz  na't  r joy
god iz na't r peese
god iz  na't  r protector
god iz  na't r strength
god canna't  giv us wizdum
god canna't giv us luv
god canna't  bles yu

god waz tha sun uv yaakov "jacob"
a flesh & blood, mortal man.

Tha correct spelling uv god iz "gad".
Tha cherch spel'd it god.

yu CANNA'T get a "a" sound frum  an o.

but tha cherch sed, say it with tha "a" sound, but spell it god,

and wee tha peepol obey'd and did it, althouh it iz RONG.

r helper, hoo leedz us tu all truth, tha holee spirit, reveel'd tu mee, hoo god waz NA'T and hoo god rillee waz.

r hevenlee father tru naym iz
yhoah ehyeh יהוָֹה אֶהיֶה
pronounse'd: y ho ah
                      eh yeh

and NO won can refute wat hee ro't n hebrew wich tha cherch left  purpuslee UNTRANSLATED ?

heerz tha proof they du NA'T want us tu no his tru naym.

Yermyahoo, 23:27, tha plan tu mayk my peepol forget my naym, by meenz uv tha dreemz wich they tell eech uther, just az their fatherz forget my naym becuz uv baal.

father yhoah ehyeh tellz us n ysha'yahoo, 52:6, ashuredlee my peepol shall lern my naym.

batum line heer iz,
Wether u beleev, reseev, acnalej it or na't.

If naat nal, that day will come wen u will call him yhoah ehyeh.

Feel free tu share will all,🙂

frum tha hebrew tranzlayshun seer'eez #2

 2dayz sol  food,

hoo sent them?

Many pastors say, he told me to go .....,
And supposingly, there talkn bout a made up name, and they, KNOW IT,  Jesus.
They may have said, god or Jesus, but as I spoke on b4, there is NO scripture thru out the Torah of the Hebrew translation, written n hebrew we're he said, MY name is god, jesus, I am, yahweh etc...

Scripture tells us, when a prophet of ehyeh arises among you, I make myself known to him in a vision, I appear to him in a dream.

He will tell u who he is. And he WILL NOT say names that NEVER WAS his. He will speak what's in the Hebrew writings which was left UNTRANSLATED, and that is, yhoah ehyeh. יהוָֹה אֶהיֶה

Yermyahoo, jer, 29:8, for thus said yhoah of hosts,ehyeh of yesrael, let not the prophets and diviners in your midst deceive you, and pay no need to the dreams they dream. Vs. 9, for they prophesy to you in my name falsely,  I DID NOT SEND THEM, declares yhoah.

People, Understand, if he did not reveal himself as,yhoah ehyeh, or yshooah, that voice, light appearance, or your feeling of YOU JUST KNOW IT WAS GOD, OR JESUS,  it was NOT, yhoah ehyeh, or his son our savior yshooah.

So I now ask you, pastors, those who say, he said to go .....then, WHO WAS IT?

Father yhoah ehyeh, cannot lie,
Man, the  church REFUSES 2 acknowledge what is 1. Foreign  to them,  2. No one, no church, pastor,even the yhoodeym, Jews will not teach his TRUE name. So they have said, I believe wats n my bible.

Accept it or not, your Bible's DU NAAT contain our creators only 2 real names as it is written n Hebrew.
You du naat, and MOST of you won't accept or believe this teaching.
But this untaught, UNTRANSLATED truth REMAINS, the same, if they were not told by father yhoah ehyeh,  tu go, they, being yor great pastors, ACCORDING 2scripture was NAAT SENT, by him.

I pray your spirit has been edified.

frum tha hebrew tranzlayshun seer'eez #3

2dayz sol food, The books n your Torah.

Let's start with that word bible.
Understand that is a Greek word,,blybos, meaning,, Greek gad of literature.
That is also a country or iland. U will find blybos in the center of the 1st map n the nkj study Bible. That's that big pretty blue book. you will find this in the back of that nkj study bible
That leads me to the word bible IS NOT, the name of the kadosh ketveym,. Holy scriptures. The correct name is, Torah.
Torah is not JUST the first 5 books  .
Why? Men bre'sheyt la hetgaloot,  from Genesis to revelation. As a matter of TRUTH, the last writer of the Torah was a evrey, Hebrew, his name was yochanan, the church calls him John. And, THAT IS NOT, his name.  Yshooah told yochanan to write down what he saw and send it to Asia.  Since yochanan was a evrey, that means he wrote what he saw in evrey, Hebrew. He was given Instruction  by our savior and king.
This elusadates that 1. Torah was given all the way to the last book . 2. The naat suppose to be written in Hebrew TRANSLATION in hebrew, WAS writteni n Hebrew, and DOES EXIST.   I have one strait from yesrael.

So as I said b4, yor pastor, the werld church leaders LIED.

now, ha sefer b shlak Torah, "the books n your Torah" REAL NAMES r, and I'll give u just a few, starting with the first 36 sefer, n order.

Bre sheyt, Genesis is NOT the real name
Shmot, Exodus is NOT the real name
Vyekra, Leviticus is NOT the real name
Bmedbar, numbers is NOT the real name
Dvareym, deutaronony is NOT the real name.
Keyfa, peter is NAAT the real name.
Maasey, acts " " " "
Koreynayem, corinthians is NAAT the real name.
Teymotey, timothy is NATT " " "

Let's go to the remaining sefereym "Books" n the SO CALLED NEW TESTIMENT.
Evreym, Hebrews is NAAT the real name
Yochanan, John is NAAT the real name

Understand: Each sefer of the entire Torah was written n one WHOLE  part. NO books were 1st and 2nd.  Let's take theleym. That sefer contains 150 chapters STRAIGHT, n it's ORIGINAL writings so we're ALL the other books.

but man had to separate 8 sefer n to ,2 parts. Ex, Cor, Tim, Peter . This was NAAT so till man put HIS way of how HE B'LEEVZ  the sefer should be. this would lead the readers to Believe the way THEY believe instead of believing what father yhoah ehyeh EXACTLY SAID.

Batum TRUTH here iz.
We've been lied 2 and it's even printed n the Torah

Don't believe everything you hear.
U better check it out for your self.

I pray u have been edified n your spirits by 2days soul food.

frum tha hebrew tranzlayshun seer'eez #4

Shalom  to all. 2,days sol food, lz , "Tranzlayshunz."

Ketvey, that's scripchur, it tellz uz n meshley, that's  prov, n your Torah. It I's not good to b without knowledge.
There's much 2 learn, which is ,NEEDED ,2  know. I'll start with; change the way u think, it will change the way u speak.
There r about 4000 different translations of father yhoah ehyehs torah,. He wrote the 10 commandments with his finger on 2 tablets of stone, gave them ,2 mosheh. Which was written n Hebrew 3 yesrael who were Hebrews. The remaining 48 books were written all by Hebrews. To prove the so called new translation WAS written n Hebrew, yohanan, u call him John, that's NOT HIS NAME, was a Hebrew, yshooah told him 2 write what he saw and send it 2the 7 churches.  That means wat he saw, he wrote it n Hebrew. This can be read n the book of hetgaloot, u call it rev, and that's NOT THE REAL NAME of that book.  U  c, yohanan obeyed ,TORAH, which means instruction, the kadosh ketveym, that's holy scriptures was ALL WRITTEN ,
Men bre sheyt la hetgaloot, b evrey, translation: from gen 2 rev in Hebrew, by ONLY HEBREWS. The so called new testament WAS WRITTEN N HEBREW, I have MY OWN COPY sent 2me from yesrael. So the w.c.l. world church leaders , R LYING, 2us.  That leads me 2 continue , ALL  translations DO NOT  contain father yhoah ehyeys ONLY real names n them. ESPECIALLY  the Greek. his name could NOT  b written in the Greek translation because his name begins with ,y, and there is NO y   n the Greek alphabet. So u r being taught from a UNAUTHORIZED version of the scriptures.  Father yhoah ehyeh said himself n the Torah,  assuredly, my people shall learn my name. He Intends  4 us 2 learn his name, here's the problem, how can we learn his name if 1. The w.c.l. won't teach it. 2. It was never translated, 3.the w.c.l. REFUSES 2 acknowledge his TRUE name, and 4. The w.c.l. REFUSES 2 read, teach, and study from the ONLY authorized holy scriptures. even the Jewish churches refuses just as well.

If u intend 2 learn the truth, the ONLY, and the CORRECT translation we should be reading from is the HEBREW ENLISH version. U can get it @ Barnes & Noble.

I pray 2days Sol Food has edified your spirits.

frum tha hebrew tranzlayshun seer'eez #5

This is the day that yhoah ehyey, made, we shall rejoice and b glad n him.

2days Sol Food, Naymz.

N ysha yahoo, that's Isaiah n your Torah, n Hebrew translation, assuredly my people shall learn my name. The names we've been taught and is written n your translations,  such as, Elohim, ,El, elshadai, Adoni, lord, messiah, Christ, Jehovah, Yahweh, yahova, Jesus, yeshua, el L , IS NOT, NEVER HAS BEEN THIER NAMES.

1.ELOHIM,was used 2 describe idols images, n which u call GADS, as well as using it 2 call our heavenly Father that name. Rachel called her father Levan, lord
2. El is the father of, Baal, and and we all know Baal is, of Satan.
3.shaddai was the name of 2 men n the Torah  Ammi shaddai, and Zuri shaddai .read bmedbar, that's numbers n your Torah.
4. Adoni, was used 2 address, angels,  kings, masters, as well as our heavenly Father. Yhooda, called his brother yosef, adoney rachel call'd her father lavan adoney. Daneye'l call'd tha aynjol adoney. & wee call tha cree'aytor uv heven & erth, yhoah ehyeh adoney
5. The word lord came from the Caanite word Adon .
6.yhoodeym, jew's made up the name messiah.
7.christ derived from the name  krishna by Constantine in the 1600s.  Plus there is  NO  c , J, w , I, in hebrew, so christ never was our saviors name, and because of no c in hebrew.
8.because there's no j in hebrew,  jehovah is NOT his name, Jesus is not his name.
9. Yahova, is not his name.
10. Yeshua, is Jeshua n your torah, that same yeshua, which the yhoodeym,  call our savior was a, levey, levite. This is in the book of nchemya, which u call Nehemiah n your torah.

father yhoah ehyeh, tells us n ysha yahoo,
  , I will share my glory with no one.

so there u have it according 2 the hebrew  writing n the Hebrew translation, his ONLY 2 names he said Is his, 208 times himself is yhoah ehyeh. יהוָֹה אֶהיֶה

Oh yeah!  the church WILL not teach this UNTAUGHT, UNTRANSLATED, TRUTH.

I pray 2days soul food has edified your spirit.

frum tha hebrew tranzlayshun seer'eez #6

Tudayz "Sol Food"- Playing Cherch

Tov boker amey,  That's good morning people n hebrew  please allow me 2 share with u some Sol Food, for the edification of your spirit. As I was preparing 2 go about this day,  ha Kadosh Rooach, that's the Holy Spirit spoke to my spirit and said, PLAY N cherch.  I knew that is the topic for 2days Sol Food.

If u keep 9 of the ten commandments and u go 2 church, u r PLAY N CHURCH.
If u go 2 church, but u r mad @ can't stand, or hate someone, u r PLAY N CHURCH.
If u go 2 church, and REFUSE 2 4give someone, u r PLAY N CHURCH.
If u go 2 church, sing, u shout, pray, read the Torah, but when u get out, u  smoke, drink, cuss,  u r PLAY N CHURCH
If you go 2 church on Sunday, and do yo thing on the shabat, U R PLAYN CHURCH.
If u go 2 church,  u tell anybody u will do Wat u said, but DONT do it, U R A LIAR,
if u go 2 church, but u TOOK that pen,  punched n LATE, left EARLY, u r play n church.
If u go 2 church, and u talk 2 people every way but Right, being RUDE, LOUD, PUT N THEM DOWN.  U r PLAYN CHURCH
if u go 2 church but u talk 2 your wife or husband unholy like, yall know Wat I'm talking n bout.  u r PLAYN CHURCH.

shley amey, that's my people,
Et La Shnot, that means n hebrew:
N ysha yahoo, that's Isaiah n your bibles, 48:18, if only you would heed My commands, then your prosperity  would be like a river, your triumph like the waves of the sea.  
If u want 2 c this in your lives amey, STOP  PLAY N CHURCH.
CHANGE your worship day to the one we r commanded 2 keep .saturday,  the shabat,  honor your word. for that is INTEGRITY.  Shmooel, that's Samuel n your bibles chap 2., for I honor those who honor Me.
Question: will u now honor YOUR words?

I pray 2days Soul Food has edified u and encouraged u 2, MAKE THAT CHANGE, NOW,   Zkhar, that's remember n Hebrew,
Father yhoah ehyeh, will NOT, compel u 2, make that change.

just so u will know, the reason I do not capitalize our heavenly fathers emet Shem, that's TRUE name is because n hebrew there is NO CAPITOL letters, we've been told when starting a sentence, and or spelling someone's name,  we must capitalize the first letter.
THATS MANS TRADITION,  and we need 2 STOP following  man's tradition.
and stop believing everything u hear or is taught. Read kohelet thats eccl n your bibles  7:21, finally, don't pay attention to everything that Is said, ,  ,

frum tha hebrew tranzlayshun seer'eez#7

2days Soul Food.  Is bout the blood,  not of yshooah but of the blood we don't no we're eating. The meat we eat  cooked baked,  broiled. Or fried,  even wit no skin, contains PURINE,  this is the urine of the animal ,it's called, URIC ACID. Wen you cook meat and see the blood as you cook., that blood is not gone from the meat once it turns brown, its  cooked well. We just cooked that blood AND, we eat that blood that's cooked, that blood of that animal DOES contain,  parasites,  worms,  bacteria, which the human eye CANNOT SEE,  even after it is cooked. Ketvey, thats scripture n Hebrew tells us  THE
LIFE OF THE FLESH IS N THE BLOOD.   People,  those UNSEEN worms, parasites and bacteria, is life that Is n that blood that we cooked in that meat, which we do eat.  And people have and STILL DO die bcuz  of it. That is y I became a vegan. I want 2 encourage u 2 STOP,  eating meat if u don't want what u WILL get due 2 eating the blood that's COOKED n the meat. so u will know,  medical doctors have revealed this NEED 2 KNOW  info about the nest we eat, if u don't believe me. Go fry a burger,  u WILL  see Wat u r about to eat. The blood of an animal n our bodies  WILL SLOWLY BUT SURELY TAKE YOUR LIFE.  And if u eat pork,  it contains,  the TRACINA WORM,  WHICH STAYS N YOUR BADEE 4 A LOOOOOOONG TIME.  IM TALK N YEARS.  I pray your spirit was edified by 2days sol food.

frum tha hebrew tranzlayshun seer'eez#8

2Dayz Sol Food Nu Cuvenant?
Chadesh Breyt,  that's,  New Testament.

The w.c.l. world church leaders teach,  we're under a new covenant,  and that the old covenant was done way with.  Let me me bold 2 say.  That is a "OUT RIGHT LIE."

In theleym, that's psalms n your bibles,
Father Yhoah Ehyeh says, I will not violate  my covenant,  nor change what I have uttered. That means people, W. C. L.  r teaching opposite of Wat he said.  Allow me 2 let ketvey,  that's scripture show u,
WE R NOT,  under a new covenant, there is NO New Testament,  YET, N yermyahoo, that's jer,  n your bibles. Just so u know.  These names u don't know, are the TRUE names of the names that's n your bibles.  N chpt 31: verse 34, it plainly states,  
No longer will they need to teach one another and say to one another, heed Yhoah, .
 NOTICE people,  we r still teaching. Ministering, sharing the holy words,  like I'm do n thru fb. 2 the people. That ketvey proves WE R NOT UNDER A NEW TESTSMENT.   Understand: there is ONLY ONE testament,  it's Not old,  or new.  But it is STILL N EFFECT.  And we as Disciples,  NOT christians,  r to KEEP all his commands,  NOT 9, and leave out the 4th.
 Oh yeah! christianity is a RELIGION,  MAN MADE.  
Yshooah said,  go make disciples, NOT CHRISTIANS.  So my amey , accept it or not,  believe it or not,  his word Does Not lie.  But man does.  It is emet, that's TRUTH. WE R NOT UNDER A NEW COVENANT YET,  DESPITE WAT YOUR GREAT PASTOR SAY.
I pray that your spirit was edified from 2days Sol Food.

frum tha hebrew tranzlayshun seer'eez#9

2Dayz Sol Food Wat Hee ree'lee sed

N the book of meshley, the church calls this book proverbs,  which according 2 the hebrew writing n the Hebrew translation of yhoah ehyehs Torah, is the WRONG name of this book. n chptr 30:4. Wat is his name or his sons name if u know it?

 2 days Soul Food is to teach Wat the creator of heaven and earth intends 4 his people 2 Learn, and that is his TRUE, UNTRANSLATED, name.
The church and YOR Bibles says, I'm that I am sent me,. But in hebrew writing in the hebrew translation, in shmot,  thats, exodus n yor bibles 3:14, n hebrew it reads,  ehyeh shlacaney alechem zeh shmey l olam
v zeh zakhrey dor l dor

translation: ehyeh sent to, this name forever, and this remember, generation to generation.

Understand the torah has no contradictions,  the publishers,  printers and authors of the 4000 something DIFFERENT  translations has input what as they would say, word for word, I believe this means.  
Thats the problem,  instead of saying EXACTLY what father ehyeh said n hebrew, they put what they want u 2 believe wat they believe.

N ysha yahoo,  thats Isaiah in your bibles,  42:8, n the hebrew writing it reads, Aney yhoah hoo shmey,  translation: I am yhoah, the name.
He tells us 208 times himself, what his name is and who he is thru out the torah.

All the names we call him,  we,  man,  flesh and blood,  gave him those names.
 christianity came from christ.  A made up name.
N hebrew,  there's no, C, j, w, I, u. so christ was never our saviors name,  nor is Jesus,  his name. The name Jesus was made up after the letter j was added 2 the alphabets n the 1600s. christ and jesus came from krishna and heus, which was changed 2 jesus christ by constatine N 1618 @ the council of nacaea ecclesiastical gathering.

shadai was the name of 2 men n the Torah, Zuri shadai and Ammi shadai.  This is n bmedbar,  thats number,  n your bibles, 1:6. And 7:66.  Adoni was used to address our Heavenly Father,  Angels and men,  as well as men too were called, lord.

father yhoah ehyeh, reminds us n ysha yahoo 42:8,  n the hebrew translation, I am yhoah, that is my my name, I will not yield my glory to another.

bottom line: those names we call him,  I just mentioned. NEVER was his name. If any of those names were his names, that means,  they  shared n his glory., and we all know., THAT NEVER Did,  AND NEVER WILL HAPPEN.  So the church,  and the translations of men is teaching Untruth.

I pray your spirit has been edified from this,  Sol Food.

If this, Sol Food has blessed u,  please,  share with others,  

frum tha hebrew tranzlayshun seer'eez#10

2 Dayz Sol Food, This iz hoo god iz

Please allow me 2 serve u some, Sol Food. This is a segment on our online worship/praize radio station.  This is spiritual food for the edification of your soul.  

Question: do u no who god is?
Do u love god?
How do u pronounce the word ga?
How do u pronounce the sound of the letter d?
Now,  put the sound of ga, next to the sound of the letter d,
Thats right u all.  What we were told to pronounce god as, is  the CORRECT way that name is spelled as you just pronounced it.

Gad ,God, was a mortal man,  flesh and blood.  He was the son of Yaakov, the church calls him Jacob of the 12 tribes of yesrael.

god pronounced correctly is gode.  NOT gad. You cannot get an a sound from a, o. That's like try n 2 get blood from s turnip.
 We've been praying to a mortal man who has been deceased for years.  And the W. C. L. world church leaders know what I speak is emet, truth according 2 the hebrew righting in the holy torah hebrew translation.
The holy spirit taught me, what u just learned thru this Sol Food.
I pray that u received from this teaching.

Acording tu tha hebrew ryting frum tha hebrew tranzlayshun uv tha " masoretic tex",
Wee giv yu tha ryting n hebrew with tha tranzlayshun uv tha
Salvay'shun Prayer  
Romeym 10:9-This iz wat it reeds frum tha hebrew ryting n tha hebrew tranzlayshun.
 If yu cunfess n yor mouth yshooah iz tha sayv'yor and b'leev n yor hart, I shall rayz him frum tha ded and b sayv'd.

Wee heer at YHOPFAP encurej yu tu find a shabat keeping cherch that teechez, speek and preech tha ONLEE TRU naym uv tha cree'aytor uv heven & erth wich iz "yhoah ehyeh",
& becum baptized.

Meshley 3:1,2- my sun, remember my torah, keep my comandments, for lenth uv dayz, yeerz uv life and well b'ing wil b added tu yu.
Salvay'shun Prayer image
Peepol r alwayz seeking a place tu wership, a cherch tu go tu .
They r alwayz looking for tha "rite" cherch.
So heer iz hal yu will no if yu found tha rite cherch.

1.Du yor pastor hold cherch servasez on sunday insted uv on tha 7th day, tha shabat?
2. Du yor pastor teech frum tha "hebrew tranzlayshun " uv tha holee scripchurz?
3. Du yor pastor hav a cross n tha cherch, in tha pull pit on tha wall, on tha cherch groundz?
4. Du yor pastor call r hevenlee father, Yah, Yahweh, jehovah, adonai, immanuel, tha great I'am, jesus, christ, tha masheach, tha messiah, god, yor god, tha, god, but god, their god, yeshua, yahova?
5.Du yor pastor teech yshooah waz rayz'd on tha 1st day uv tha week?
6. Du yor pastor teech wee r under a nu cuvenant?
7. Du yor pastor teech, wee r naat under tha law & it waz dun away with?
8. Du yor pastor teech wee r savy'vd by grayse?
9. Du yor pastor say, god told mee tu go, meening hee / shee waz told tu go start a ministry?
10. Du yor pastor say, hee/shee saw jesus n a dreem, or sed I just no it waz jesus hoo waz speeking tu mee?

Heerz tha anserz tu thoz qwestchunz if yu r looking for a cherch.
If yor pastor du all stayted abuv,,,
acording tu scripchur. they r n disobedee'ence"

1.Shmot 20: 8 Thu shall remeber tha shabat and keep it holee, thou shall du no werk.
2. Tha scripchurz were given tu holee men uv yhoah ehyeh inspiyerd by tha holee spirit tu ryt tha torah and all tha ryterz wer hebrews. 1st ryter waz mosheh, hee ro't tha 1st 5 books uv tha torah.
Yochanon waz tha last ryter uv tha torah. Yshooah told yochanon tu ryt wat hee saw and send it tu  tha 7 cherchez. Hetgaloot 1:11.
PEEPOL,, instrucshun waz given by yshooah, hee told yochanon tu ry't wat hee saw & send it tu tha 7 cherchez. becuz hee waz a hebrew wat hee saw, hee ro't it n hebrew.
3. Tha cross is a carv'd sculpchur'd immej. Shmot 20:2 yu shall naat mayk for yorself a scupchurd immajej,,,,,,,
No't: there iz NO mesej uv tha cross, it haz NO relevense tu r salvayshun.
4.Ysha'yahoo, 52:6, ashuredlee, my peepool shall lern my naym, Theleym 100:3, acnalej that i am yhoah.
5. Frum sun down friday tu sundown sat iz 24 ahwerz, thatz 1 day.
     Frum Sun Duwn saturday tu sundown sunday iz anuther 24 ahwerz.
     Frum sundown sunday tu sundown munday, thatz anuther 24 ahwerz. that totol'z 3 dayz & 3 nytz.
That iz 72 ahwerz. UNDERSTAND: yu CANNA'T get 72 ahwerz frum friday tu sunday.
just az yonah waz n tha bel'lee uv tha grayt fish, so will man b n tha hart uv tha erth.

Regardles uv wat yor pastor say. 24x3 =72. Yshooah waz rayz'd on tha 3rd day that waz tha 1st day uv tha week wich wee call munday. Hee layd n tha ground during thoz 72 ahwerz acording tu scripchur. Nal unles yu r unaybol tu count and cannaa''t ad 24+24+24=72, Then it iz CLEER yor pastor lied & stil cuntinyuz tu lie tu "ha amey", tha peepol.
Will Yor Pastor imageWill Yor Pastor image

Yochanon 8:32 yu shall no tha truth, & tha truth shall mayk yu free. 

This iz y yu NEED tu no that tha torah wat yu call tha bybol  IZ truth, , halever, naymz hav bin "REMOOV"D" werdz by man,flesh & blud "HAZ BIN ADDED". Du na't ad or tayk away frum this werd, lest yu b found a liar.  

It iz "CLEER" and it iz sho'n and no'n that man haz added and iz sho'n tu b a liar.

This iz y "yhoah ehyeh torah , "hebrew-english tranzlayshun uv tha masoretic tex haz bin produse'd, so yu will b'gin tu lern "UNTRANZLAYTED, UNTAUHT" Truth.

Qwestchun: Du yu rill'lee want tu b free?.

Wee heer at YHOPFAP dee'sided tu sho yu tha scripchurz that DU NA'T xzizst n tha hebrew ryting n tha hebrew tranzlayshun, yet they apeer n yor bybolz. This proov'z man haz added wat they wanted us tu b'leev & they hav remoov'd wat they did na't want us tu lern.

There ar few scripchurz ritten n yor bybol wich waz na't ritten n hebrew n tha hebrew tranzlayshun.

B'lo ar thoz scripchurz, and there ar scripchurz that du na't say wat yor bybol say, so wee added tha hebrew ryting for thoz hoo r gifted with understanding hal tu reed, rite and speek hebrew so they can chec it out for themselvz.

Theleym 118:14-
azi, and ehyeh iz singing, and I hav yshooah. "Tha werdz n yor bybol iz NA'T wat it sayz heer. Pleez, go tu yor bybol and cumpare'.

עזי וזמרת יהוה ויהי לי לישועה

Theleym 58:12

And a man said, "But I am a fruit of the ritechus;   "Tha werdz n yor bybol iz NA'T wat it sayz heer. Pleez, go tu yor bybol and cumpare'.
ויאמר אדם אך פרי לעדיק אך יש אהיה שפטים בארץ

Kohelet 6:10, "Tha werdz n yor bybol iz NA'T wat it sayz heer. Pleez, go tu yor bybol and cumpare'.

Wat was already called his name and known that he is a man and can not be prosecuted with the attack that surrounds him

מה שהיה כבר נקרא שמו ונודע אשר הוא אדם ולא יוכל לדין עם שהתקיף שתקיף ממנו

Meshley 31:30

The lie of grace and the foolish beauty of a woman, The fear of is praise ehyeh. "Tha werdz n yor bybol iz NA'T wat it sayz heer. Pleez, go tu yor bybol and cumpare'.  שקר החן והבל היפי אשה יראת יהוה היא תתהלל

Yhoshooa 24:19                                                                                                                                                                               And Joshua said unto the people, You shall not be able to worship ehyeh; for I shall be holy unto him;,,,,       

 "Tha werdz n yor bybol iz NA'T wat it sayz heer. Pleez, go tu yor bybol and cumpare'.

Maasey 11:26

Tha scripchur n hebrew never sed, daspolz wer first call'd chrischens n antioch.
N tha hebrew tranzlayshun n tha hebrew ryting, it reedz, werd for werd.- Go bac tu tha messianic dasypolz- לך אשונה כנו התלמידים משיחיים

Hetgaloot 1:15                                                                                                                                                                                 His legs ar like a gleaming knob that haz bin blown away n tha furnace.

wee hav bin told. yshooah feet were like bronze, this iz ritten n yor torah, This iz "UNTRUTH". 

Tha werd yuz'd tu describe yshooah feet n tha hebrew ryting iz frum tha hebrew tranzlayshun iz, "notsetset".    Tranzlayshun: sparkling. UNDERSTAND: sparkling & bronze iz 2 totol DIFFERENT culorz.

N yochanon 5:4 n yor bybolz it reedz- for an aynjol uv ehyeh went down at sertan seezunz intu tha pool & stir'd up tha water, hoosoever then first, ahfter tha stirring up uv tha water, step'd n waz may'd well frum watever dazeez with wich hee waz aflicted.

Peepol... n tha hebrew ryting uv tha hebrw tranzlayshun uv tha masoretic tex, theez scriptchurz "DU NA'T XZIST". theez werdz wich "IZ" n yor bybolz iz "UNTRUTH".

Maasey 8:37- and phillip sed, if yu beleev with all yor hart yu may, and hee anserd and sed,  i b'leev that yshooah iz tha sun uv ehyeh.                                                                                                                                                                                       "THIS SCRIPCHUR DU NA'T XZIST N THA HEBREW RYTING N THA HEBREW TORAH".

Romeym 16:24-tha grayse uv r king yshooah b with yu all . amen. THIS SCRIPCHUR DU NA'T XZIST N THA HEBREW RYTING N THA HEBREW TORAH".

Amey, "Peepol : this iz y, yu MUST sta'dee tu sho yorself aproov'd.

Prayer 4 Yrooshalam image
Wee az da'sypol uv yshooah r comanded tu pray for yrooshalam. Theleym 122:6

This iz tha no'n prayer wee heer at YHOPFAP pray daylee for yrooshalam.

Av yhoah ehyeh,hoo ar n heven, protector & reedeemer uv yesrael , bles tha nayshun yesrael & yrooshalam wich markz tha dawn uv r daliverense. Shill'd it b,neeth tha wingz uv yor luv, spred over it yor canopee uv peese, send yor lite & truth tu itz leeders, ahfis'serz & counselerz. Direct them with yor good counsel.
Av yhoah ehyeh, strenthen tha defenders uv r holee land yesreal & yrooshalam. Grant them with salvayshun, & crown them with peese n yrooshalam & yesrael, an everlasting joy for itz inhabatantz. Av yhoah ehyeh, remember r bretheren tha hol halse uv yesrael n all tha landz uv their dasperjun. Speedalee let them walk uprite tu zeyon yor sittee, tu yrooshalam yor dwelling playse az it iz ritten n yor torah.
Av yhoah ehyeh, unite r hartz tu luv & reveer yor naym & tu abzerv all tha preeseps uv yor torah. Shine forth n yor majestee over all tha inhabatantz uv yor werld. Wee proclaym yhoah ehyeh uv yesrael iz king, n yshooah naym,,, amen.
Wat iz his naym or his sun naym if yu no it? imageWat iz his naym or his sun naym if yu no it? imageWat iz his naym or his sun naym if yu no it? image
Bre'sheyt bara ehyeh hashamyeym v haerez_ Tranlzlayshun: N begining cree'ayted ehyeh heven & tha erth.

Mosheh ask'd r hevenlee father , wen i go tu tha children uv yesrael, hoo shall i say sent mee?
Ehyeh anserd mosheh, "ehyeh shalachaney alechem" Tranzlayshun: ehyeh sent tu.

Father yhoah ehyeh told mosheh, i apeer'd tu avraham, yetschak & yaakov az ehyeh, but i did naat maky myself no'n tu them by my naym yhoah.

Tha hebrew ryting frum tha masoretic tex n tha hebrew tranzlayshun uv tha torah shoz father yhoah ehyeh sed himself 208 tymz himself. "I am yhoah".

Ysha'yahoo 52:6- ashured'lee, my peepol shall lern my naym. "Peepol Understand: THIS IZ HA'PEN'NING".

Theleym 100:3-acnalej that yhoah iz ehyeh. N tha hebrew ryting it reedz,,, do'oo key yhoah hee ehyeh.. Tranzlayshun: know that yhoah ehyeh.  

avraham, mosheh, king chezkeyahoo ,"hezekiah", yosef, yhoshooa, shlomoh, even faro call'd r father by his "emet shem, "TRU NAYM". so y iz it that tha W.C.L. YOR PASTORS, REFUZ, tu teech his naym, acnalej his naym , wership his naym?
anser... They DU NA'T hav tha hart father yhoah ehyeh givz tu acnalej his naym. If they did.. they would acnalej, teech, invo'k, wership & prayz his holee naym, "yhoah ehyeh".
They r cunvinse'd, it du naat mayk a differense wat naym wee call him. Acording tu ketvey "scripchur." IT DU mayk a differense wat naym wee call him becuz hee tellz us tu acnalej him by tha naym hee sed waz his naym. NA'T by tha naymz wee choz or hav bin told tu call him.

If yor pastor or hooever iz preeching frum tha torah refuzez tu call father yhoah ehyeh by this naym az wee ar comanded tu,  du understand "THEY ARE TEECHING YU RONG, LEEDING YU RONG, AND THEY NO THEY AR RONG. and if yu chooz tu cuntinyu tu falo him or her, no'ing nal tha "UNTRANZLAYTED, UNTAUHT TRUTH" frum tha hebrew tranzlayshun,"BE AWARE", YU R SHARING N THEIR SINZ.

YAAKOV 4:17-therefor tu him hoo noz tu du good and du naat du it, tu him it iz sin.
Hetgaloot 18:4- and i herd anuther voise frum heven saying, come out uv her my peepol lest yu share n her sinz, and lest yu reseev uv her plegz.

Tu much iz given, much iz reqwiyerd.
it iz reqwiyerd uv us tu du rite, obey wunse wee lern uv tha "TRUTH" remember ,
yu shall no tha truth, & tha truth will set yu free.


Yhoah Ehyeh Torah NAL availabol on pdf image
Daln Lo'd pdf CUMPLEET
1st Time ever published Yhoah Ehyeh Torah
Tranzlayshun, frum tha masoretic tex.

Tha cree'aytor uv heven & erth  and his sun, tha sayv'yor uv this werld, emet shem, "TRU NAYMZ" restor'd, wich waz left "UNTRANZLAYTED".

Yu can click on tha pdf file tu daln lo'd  Yhoah Ehyeh Torah.
"NEVER" will wee sell, Yhoah Ehyeh Torah, for tha holee 'instruchsunz "Torah" IZ NA'T 4 SELL, and  MUST NA'T b sold.

Yu may playse yor order tu ra'seev tha ac'chuol Torah soon as it is printed, simplee by sending us an email, include yor naym, adres, sittee, stayt & zip.
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                                                                                                                                 yhoah ehyeh torah n'troduction 10-15-2018 +Ravize'd.pdfDaln Lo'd pdf CUMPLEET at, www.kuutgospelradio.com
1st Time ever published Yhoah Ehyeh Torah genesis tu revelation
Tranzlayshun, frum tha masoretic tex

Tha cree'aytor uv heven & erth  and his sun, tha sayv'yor uv this werld, emet shem, "TRU NAYMZ" restor'd, wich waz left "UNTRANZLAYTED".

Yu can click on tha pdf file tu ree'vu  & daln lo'd if yu wish "Tha Introducshun" tu Yhoah Ehyeh Torah.
"NEVER" will wee sell, Yhoah Ehyeh's Tora.

Tha holee 'instruchsunz "Torah" uv Yhoah Ehyeh, IZ NA'T 4 SELL, and  MUST NA'T b sold.

It Iz "FREE".

Yu may playse yor order for this NU Hebrew Enghish Torah, simplee by sending us an email, include yor naym, adres, sittee,  stayt & zip.
"NO'T", if yu liv outside uv california, yu MUST pay for tha shipping charjez.

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Teechingz on TTC, "Tha Truth Chan'nol"
on You Tube. Click tha linkz b'lo tu heer
hebrew tranzlayshun of the holee torah.

You can also heer ar teechingz at, www.kuutgospelradio.com
"TTC", Tha Truth Chan'nol On You Tube image"TTC", Tha Truth Chan'nol On You Tube image